How to plant peas? With these tips you will be prepared

In case you still don’t know how to plant peas at home, you must learn that it is not an impossible task but it does require specific care to reap an abundant harvest.

If lately you have been wanting to grow peas or peas, as they are called in other countries, then you should keep in mind that this plant can grow very well in a pot. This will make your work easier since you will not need a very large space at home to plant it.

Now that you might want to be an expert farmer, we will teach you how to grow cucumber in a pot and very good tips that will help you to have a pea plant that gives you its best fruits.

how to plant peas at home

First and very important: have a pot made of clay, cement or plastic and ideally it should have at least 5 drainage holes. Also, you should keep in mind that it is about 20 liters, 35 cm deep and 30 cm in diameter (more or less).

To deposit

Take the substrate for seedlings and pre-moisten it with water. Deposit it in the pot, trying to leave at least 2 fingers before reaching the edge so that it does not overflow and they can germinate in optimal conditions.


Now take two seeds and place them approximately 1 or 2 cm apart from each other. Then, it will be time to cover the peas with a thin layer of substrate about 2 cm thick. You should take a bit of the moistened substrate (in the previous step) with your two hands and start to bring them closer, rubbing them very gently so that they fall and scatter in the seedbed. Finally, water with a little water in small trickles to prevent the seeds from going to the bottom and not germinating.

Recommendations and care for planting peas

  • You should not let the plant receive more than 8 hours of sunlight, the average is between 6 and 8.
  • Irrigation should be moderate and every 2 or 3 days depending on the time of year or only when the substrate looks dry.
  • Water it by applying water directly to the soil without wetting the leaves.
  • The best season to plant peas is autumn, a season with temperate and very cool climates.
  • Seed germination can take between 8 and 15 days. The harvest could take place 4 or 5 months after sowing.

Now that you know more about planting peas, we want you to know everything about how to plant corn in a pot, easily and quickly.