How to plant paprika? We give you useful tips

if you want to learn how to plant paprika at home to continue growing your garden, you should know that these are a food that is worth consuming regularly in your diet.

Paprika is the king among the products that are used in different preparations to season and give it a spicy touch. Surely you have seen that there are red, yellow or green, but they all have a very particular flavor that conquers the palate when their pieces appear in a good stew or even when you eat them roasted.

How to plant paprika at home

So that you know how to plant tomatoes and not fail in the attempt or prepare to have peppers at home, we are going to give you some tips that will surely help you to grow them in the best way and enjoy them very often on your table.

How to plant paprika in pots

The ideal season to do it is at the end of winter or beginning of summer, times of few sudden variations in the weather. This is the step by step that you should follow for its cultivation:

In case you want to start a planting from scratch, it would be best to do it with the seeds that you can obtain inside a paprika. When removing them, allow them to dry in the sun for a few days. After that time they will be ready to start the process.

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Now is the time to place them in a seedbed, bearing in mind that you must cover them with a soil rich in organic matter and making sure that they are at a minimum depth.


The seeds will germinate easily and in a very short time. To offer them a more comfortable home, you should transplant them to a larger pot or container, which is at least 30 centimeters deep and has good drainage. You must do this movement being very careful with the roots and trying to manipulate the plant as little as possible to avoid damaging it. The first fruits will take between 12 and 24 weeks to appear.

Keep the pot in sunny areas, where they receive a minimum of six hours of sun per day. Its irrigation should be done only when the substrate looks dry.

What are the benefits of paprika?

Regular consumption of paprika in a balanced diet could bring important benefits to your health due to its high content of vitamin C, B3. B5 and beta carotene. These substances would help you in some cases to reduce stress, lower cholesterol levels in the body, reduce arthritis and control strong migraines.

So that you continue with the work of creating your own garden, we teach you how to plant rosemary in an easy and fast way.