How to overcome an existential slump when everything seems to go wrong – Online Psychologists

When you find yourself overcome by sadness and questioning everything, you may be suffering from an existential crisis. You see no meaning in life, you don't feel fulfilled or you don't know what you will do in the future are some of the ideas that circulate in your head and you have no idea how to put an end to them.

If this type of crisis is addressed early and resolved, it will help you to radically change your life by setting new goals. If not, however, it can lead to severe depression or cognitive triad, which involves the development of a negative perspective of oneself. Therefore, it is important to have the help of a psychologist to resolve it in the best possible way.

What is an existential crisis?

A existential crisis arises when you are not able to cope with a specific event. It involves a change in our identity, that is, we will feel like another person and quite relevant changes will occur in our worldview.

During this period we began to question aspects that we had initially taken for granted or that did not concern us too much.

Crises polish your life. In them you discover what you really are.

(Allan K. Chalmers)

For example, what will i do with my life or what is the meaning of it. We may have asked ourselves these questions before, but on this occasion, they require an answer that involves a high personal commitment. And until they are resolved, the state of emergency will not be stopped. restlessness and anguish.

Existential crisis on the horizon? Pay attention to these symptoms

Although some have already been mentioned, such as feeling distressed, rethinking your entire life, or feel sadYou can also find out if you are suffering from an existential depression if you have any of the following symptoms:

– You are constantly bored.

– You are not motivated by any activity you were doing up until now.

– Nothing gives you satisfaction.

– You feel like you are a different person.

– You think you are missing experiences to live.

– Emotionally you feel extremely exhausted.

– You are terrified of the future.

Why existential crises occur

Almost everyone can experience an existential crisis, it can occur at any stage of life, except in childhood, because It occurs during periods of growth and maturation.

It is usually more common during youth, which is when more and more profound changes are experienced due to the transition of the same. Although it can also occur in stages of maturity such as the famous crisis of the 40s and in old age.

Some of the triggering factors are:

– The crossroads of a decision: studying a career, changing residence, staying with your partner or leaving him/her, getting married, having children.

– The feeling of loneliness and being isolated from the world.

– Understanding the scope of mortality.

– Not finding or assuming a purpose for life.

– Not feeling satisfied with what has been achieved so far.

The consequences of an existential crisis

Just as anyone can suffer an existential crisis for various reasons, depending on who is suffering from it and the treatment, The consequences can also be variousSome may go through a much longer, more intense and destabilizing period of crisis, while for others it is temporary.

If not resolved, the person may fall into the so-called “cognitive triad”. Will develop a negative outlook on self, the world and the futurewhich in turn can lead to psychological problems such as hopelessness, feelings of helplessness, deep depression or suicidal thoughts. In these cases we recommend that you seek professional help. At our team of online psychologists can help you and you can try a free session to have that first assessment that will reassure you.

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Treating existential crisis

Overcoming a crisis in life It involves answering the questions you have asked yourself through a path of personal discovery, which means that A psychologist will not offer you the answers but will guide you to discover them.

People get stuck in existential crisis because of their cognitive schemas; that is, they fail to transcend the belief system that gives meaning to their world. But during the crisis, the patterns that had been effective are no longer so, so they would have to be changed, at least for the most part.

A psychologist will help you restructure your expectationsaccept the aspects that cause you the most distress and you will be able to learn more effective coping strategies.

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