How to measure a room: the trick to calculate the square meters

How to measure a room It is something essential if you work from home. Knowing the square meters of a home stay (or the whole house) can be of great help at certain times: from that reform that requires all measures to even the new presence of a carpet in the room, since many textiles are also sold to the square meter.

Whatever the situation, you may ask whether or not to calculate the square meters of house correctly. And the truth is that yes, of course you know how. We leave you some tricks to have controlled the extensions of both a room and your complete home.

Luis Diaz Diaz.

Yes you want to know How to measure a roomthese are some tips to calculate the square meters correctly.

1. Make a plane of your home

Measuring the square meters of house is like setting up a business or getting into a reform: you have to do things well from the beginning. To do this, we suggest making a plane of your concrete house or room at first in order to have everything under control. You can perform the plan yourself through a computer design (the call software Cad) or you can consult a friend or well -known architect.

2. Convert from centimeters to meters

When using your measured tape to measure a surface, you will get the result in centimeters. In this case, the trick is simple: divide the number of centimeters obtained by 100 to obtain the measurement in meters. If, for example, you have obtained 120 cm, the result will be 120/100: 1.2 meters.

3. Back to mathematics

Before entering the subject, it should be remembered that the formula to obtain the total square meters of a room is very simple: simply multiply the length by the width of the place (in meters) and thus you will get the result. For example, if you are looking to calculate the surface of a room 6 meters long by 2 meters wide, you just have to calculate 6×2: 12 square meters (m2).

4. Calculate the square meters of land

In the case of a farm, the task is similar to that of calculating the meters of a room, except for a detail: a land has larger dimensions, so your tape measure is not enough. In that case, you can use a 30 -meter tape and measure in parts, both the length and the wide. In the end, you just have to calculate the total measure depending on the sum of all portions.

5. The square meters of a house

There is a very important aspect to take into account: the square meters of a land will not be equivalent to the meters of construction of a house located within it. In this way, you must corroborate the construction guidelines of your area to obtain the square meters and take into account aspects such as the thickness of the walls or the amount of floors with which the house will have.

6. The roofs

It is important to add to these measures any roofed or roof surface, since they are also part of the total square meters calculation. Even if it is a space without walls, like a cantilever. On the contrary, those roofs made with materials that are not reinforced concrete are not included within the operation.