How to make rosemary oil to apply to hair and body

If you still don’t know how to make rosemary oil that later you will be able to use to put your attack hair, then this information interests you because it is really easy.

Do not worry, it is normal that you do not know what rosemary is for. The most important thing about this story is that great benefits are attributed to this plant for hair care, skin care and the health of your body, so it can become multipurpose. The essential oils of this herb are usually easy to prepare so just relax and take some time to do it and use it from now on to take care of yourself and pamper yourself.

In case you want to learn how to grow hair quickly or you are interested in knowing how to prepare rosemary oil at home, we will show you a basic formula to achieve it without much effort:

how rosemary oil is made

Pay attention, prepare everything you need and follow this simple step by step that will also be a good way to enjoy a time for yourself in which you are the only thing that matters in the universe. Take note and put it into practice right now:


  • many branches of rosemary
  • A bottle of extra virgin organic olive oil

Implements necessary

Time required

5 minutes

Estimated cost

$32,600 (COP)


Step 1. Add

The first thing you should do is add many of the rosemary leaves inside the glass jar that you have prepared for it. Put as many as you like but keep in mind that the jar should be almost full to get a good amount of extract.

Step 2. Store

Then, start adding to this same container the amount of olive oil that you reach until almost reaching the edge. As soon as you finish filling with rosemary and olive oil, you will need to cover the glass container with a lid that fits very well. Take this oil to your cupboard or to a cool place, which does not get much light. There you must let it rest for 1 month so that the rosemary releases all its properties. Once the 30 days have passed, remove it from the container and strain it. Keep a good amount in a dropper and now you can use it to apply to your hair or give yourself massages to relax your muscles.

Remember that on our website, you will also find the easy step-by-step guide to how to make an organization chart with some tricks that will be very useful to you. Do not forget to share all our content on your social networks.