How to make pork ribs without oven and very quickly

If you do not know how to make pork ribs without an oven, we present you an exquisite recipe that you will be able to prepare quickly and easily.

Ribs are definitely one of the tastiest foods in the world. Whether with a bbq sauce or with a good dressing, this protein can be the center of attention at any social event because, apart from being very tasty, it lends itself to making any type of recipe, either by taking them in the oven, frying them in a pan, or even making a good sweat.

In case you want to learn a meat roll recipe without an oven or have it very clear preparing the best ribs on the planet, we will teach you a quick and easy step by step so that you will make your family and friends fall in love:

How to make pork ribs in BBQ sauce without oven

Let’s cook it was said! It’s your time to knock it out of the ballpark with this recipe. In the end, it will be an exquisite and very pretty dish with which your guests will suck their fingers:

Preparation time50 minutesCooking time 45 minutesCategoryMain dishCookingInternationalKeywordsSweet and sour, caramelized, food, sauceFor how many people4PortionMediumCalories172Fat8.88 g


  • One pound of pork rib
  • 1 big onion
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Salt to taste
  • Water
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce
  • juice of one orange
  • 1 tablespoon of oil

Preparation of pork ribs, to lick your fingers!

Step 1. Cook

The first thing you should do is cut the rib into pieces so you can cook it faster. Add the pieces in a pot with enough water and cook them over high heat for about half an hour or until they soften. Add the onion cut in half and the whole garlic cloves.

Step 2. Make sauce

Pour the tablespoon of oil into the pan and allow it to heat over medium high heat. Once it has taken temperature, add the rib pieces to brown. In a separate pot or pan over medium heat, add the soy sauce, the sugar and the orange juice and begin to stir gently so that a thick sauce forms. Take each of the pieces of rib that you browned and add them so that they are impregnated and finish cooking for about 3 minutes in this sauce.

Step 3. Serve

Once you see them well caramelized, it will be time to serve them on individual plates or in a container so that everyone can take the portion they like. Remember that you can accompany these ribs with rice, potatoes or any salad that you want, Bon appetite.

We share a video with this easy step by step, so you can learn the recipe by heart and put it into practice right now:

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