How to make liver with onions? A dish that will be delicious

we are going to teach you how to make liver with onions in a very simple way so that you can prepare it right away and taste a very Colombian dish.

Definitely, this is one of those preparations that generates some controversy because there are those who enjoy its flavor, while for others the texture of the liver is not to their liking. To make this dish, it is worth keeping in mind that this type of protein needs to be very well cooked so that its texture is the right one and obviously, the minced onion and cilantro will give it an exquisite flavor.

If you want to learn the best recipes of Colombian cuisine or you are going to risk making a liver with onions that will be spectacular on the palate, then this step by step will be very useful:

How to make Colombian liver with onions

It’s time to cook! Get the ingredients ready, put on your apron and go ahead and make this delicious recipe that, with the seasoning and love that you are sure to put on it, will be the delight of all your guests:

Preparation time15 minutesCooking time 12 minutesCategoryMain courseCookingColombianKeywordsRoasted, salty, foodFor how many people3 to 4PortionMediumCalories149Fat7.86 g


  • a pound of liver
  • 2 tablespoons garlic paste
  • 1 red and 1 white onion, sliced
  • Parsley or coriander finely chopped
  • Half tablespoon of vinegar
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • oregano and cumin
  • Oil


Step 1. Season

If you want to remove a little the strong smell of the liver, you could wash it beforehand with water, lemon and vinegar so that it is ready. Later, put it in a bowl and add the garlic paste, salt, pepper, oregano and cumin to your liking. Mix very well so that the flavors are integrated.

Step 2. Grill

In a pan with hot oil, roast the liver over medium heat. Once it is sealed on both sides, add the onion slices and the half tablespoon of vinegar. Cover the pan and turn constantly so that the flavors integrate perfectly. Once both the liver and the onion are cooked, sprinkle the finely chopped parsley on top and allow it to cook for a few more seconds. Ready, this liver with onions is ready. Eat it warm and enjoy it in every bite.

Did you forget any details of this recipe? No problem because we share a video in which you can review it as many times as you want:

By clicking on these easy recipes, you will find many delicious preparations for you to pamper everyone at home and give them your love with the best dishes they are going to try in their lives. Share them on your social networks!