How to make breaded onion rings, crispy and delicious!

you may not know how to make onion rings breaded and the truth is that you do not need to be an expert chef to make them delicious and on point.

In fast food restaurants and many homes around the world, onion rings are a best-style accompaniment to French fries. These fritters have some little tricks that will make them very crispy and obviously have a very balanced flavor so that the intensity of the onion does not affect you when you bite into them.

We are going to show you how to make chicken nuggets and also the ideal way to prepare the tastiest breaded onion rings your guests have ever tasted:

How to make breaded onion rings

Get in the kitchen right now and knock it out of the ballpark with this delicacy! Get all the ingredients you need ready, put yourself in chef mode and follow this easy recipe. You will surely make your guests lick their fingers:

Preparation time10 minutesCooking time 5 minutesCategorySide sideCookingInternationalKeywordsCrispy, fried, foodFor how many people3ServingMediumCalories142Fat5.71 g


  • A cup of breadcrumbs
  • 1 big onion cut into slices and separated into rings
  • One teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 100 ml of water
  • 6 tablespoons of wheat flour
  • Salt to taste


Step 1. Mix

The first thing you should do is pour the wheat flour, garlic powder and pepper into a large bowl, as well as salt to taste. Add the water little by little and mix until you get the slightly thick consistency of a traditional breading. In another plate or bowl you should have the breadcrumbs. Take each of the onion rings and pass them first through the bowl in which you have the breading mixture and drain them a little. Then, put them in the breadcrumbs and turn them over with a fork so that they spread on all sides and are covered with the mixture.

Step 2. Fry

In a frying pan, heat enough oil to submerge the rings. When it has taken temperature, put the rings to fry, taking care not to put too many at the same time so that they do not stick and the oil does not lose heat. Keep in mind that these rings fry super fast so flip them as soon as you see them brown. Take them out of the oil when you see them golden on all sides and they look crispy. Put absorbent towels on a plate and let them drain. Done, now you can share these delicious breaded onion rings with the whole family.

If you missed any detail of our recipe, we share an explanatory video with the step by step so you can see it when you need it:

At Vibra we want to be your best cooking teachers and for that reason, we have a virtual book for you with many easy recipes for you to prepare at home and surprise the palate of your whole family every day. Share them on your social networks!

script type=”application/ld+json”> { “@context”: “”, “@type”: “Recipe”, “name”: “How to make breaded onion rings, crispy and delicious!”, “image”: “https://uploads./1/2021/10/how-to-make-onion-rings.jpg”, “description”: “You may not know how make breaded onion rings and the truth is that you don’t need to be an expert chef to make them delicious and on point.”, “keywords”: “Crispy, fried, food”, “author”: { “@type”: “Person”, “name”: “Vibra” }, “datePublished”: “2021-10-26”, “prepTime”: “PT10M”, “cookTime”: “PT5”, “totalTime”: “PT10M”, “ recipeCategory”: “Side”, “recipeCuisine”: “international”, “recipeYield”: “3”, “nutrition”: { “@type”: “NutritionInformation”, “servingSize”: “Medium”, “calories”: “ 142 cal”, “fatContent”: “5.71 g” }, “recipeIngredient”: [
“Una taza de miga de pan”,
“1 cebolla cabezona cortada en rodajas y separada en aros”,
“Una cucharadita de ajo en polvo”,
“1 cucharadita de pimienta”,
“100 ml de agua”,
“6 cucharadas de harina de trigo”,
“Sal al gusto”
]“recipeInstructions”: [{
“@type”: “HowToStep”,
“text”: “Lo primero que debes hacer es verter en un bol grande la harina de trigo, el ajo en polvo y la pimienta, además de sal al gusto. Agrega de a pocos el agua y ve mezclando hasta obtener la consistencia un poco espesa de un apanado tradicional. En otro plato o bol debes tener la miga de pan. Toma cada uno de los aros de cebolla y pásalos primero por el bol en el que tienes la mezcla de apanado y escúrrelos un poco. Después, ponlos en la miga de pan y dales vuelta con un tenedor para que se unten por todo lado y queden cubiertos de la mezcla.”,
“image”: “https://uploads./1/2021/10/como-hacer-aros-de-cebolla-01.jpg”,
“name”: “Hacer masa”,
“url”: “https:///recetas/como-hacer-aros-de-cebolla/”
“@type”: “HowToStep”,
“text”: “En una sartén pon a calentar suficiente aceite como para que los aros se sumerjan. Cuando haya tomado temperatura, pon los aros a fritar, cuidando no meter muchos al tiempo para que no se peguen y el aceite no pierda calor. Ten en cuenta que estos aros se fritan súper rápido así que dales vuelta apenas los veas dorados. Sácalos del aceite cuando los veas dorados por todo lado y luzcan crocantes. Pon toallas absorbentes en un plato y deja que se escurran. Listo, ya podrás compartir estos deliciosos aros de cebolla apanados con toda la familia.”,
“image”: “https://uploads./1/2021/10/como-hacer-aros-de-cebolla-02.jpg”,
“name”: “Fritar”,
“url”: “https:///recetas/como-hacer-aros-de-cebolla/”
}]“video”: { “@type”: “VideoObject”, “name”: “How to make crispy and delicious breaded onion rings!”, “description”: “You may not know how to make breaded and delicious onion rings. the truth is that you don’t need to be an expert chef to make them delicious and on point.”, “thumbnailUrl”: “https://uploads./1/2021/10/como-make-rings-of -onion.jpg”, “uploadDate”: “2021-10-26”, “contentUrl”: “https:///recetas/how-to-do-onion-rings/”, “embedUrl”: “” } }