How to make angel wings, they will be heavenly!

You do not know how to make angel wings? This simple task has surely been part of many school tasks in which you have spent the night awake doing a thousand things to finish them.

Angel wings are a classic of Halloween costumes. Halloween or school presentations. We assure you that after seeing this step by step you will no longer have to spend money or time on a craft that is really very simple.

How to make angel wings out of cardboard

If you suffer every time your son, nephew or little brother asks you to help him with this task, we have the solution because we will teach you how to do it in two by three:


  • Paperboard
  • tissue paper
  • Paper sheet

Implements necessary

  • glue
  • Scissors
  • Marker
  • Paper tape or ribbon

Time required

60 minutes

Estimated cost

$4,900 (COP)


Step 1. Draw and cut

Draw the outline of the wings on the cardboard. First draw a part, it can be the one on the left side and do the same with the one on the right. Both must be together. Finally, cut out the figure with the help of a scalpel or scissors.

Step 2. Paste

Take the glue and apply it to the entire figure. Next, stick a sheet of tissue paper over the wings, trying to make it as smooth as possible. If necessary, fold the edges to the inside of the wings to avoid excess paper. You must paste the paper on both sides of the figure.

Step 3. Open

Cut a hole in the left and right sides of the wings, near the center, and pass the paper tape or ribbon through them to form the handles from which you will hang the wings from the body.

Step 4. Fill

It’s time to fill in the outline of the wings with feathers. For this action, cut strips of the same tissue paper (about 5 cm wide) and fold them in half. Make pleats in these strips like an accordion and cut their ends in a rounded shape. Apply glue again on both sides of the wings and start gluing the strips of paper first from the bottom up until you reach the middle of the width of the wings, unfolding the strips so that they cover both sides. When you have to fill the top half, do it by gluing from top to bottom. Ready, you can load your wings and fly away, it’s that easy!

We also want you to learn how to make a collage, it’s that simple! Do not forget to share all the contents of Vibra in your social networks.