How to make an ancheta to give sweets

Before the question of how to make an ancheta To give sweets or small items to a special person, we answer that you can easily assemble it yourself at home.

The popular surprise breakfasts have become very fashionable. Now, there are companies that do these details in all social networks and surely you have also been bitten by the bug. To encourage you to do it at home, we show you a super simple technique with which you will conquer the heart of the person to whom you give this ancheta and, in addition, you will save yourself a talk by doing it with your own hands.

If you want to know how to make a homemade lamp with recyclable material or learn the best way to make an ancheta, then you are going to love this way of making it. Follow the recommendations and put them into practice at once:

How to make a simple snack

This step by step does not require you to be an expert in crafts; You just need to put a lot of love into it and follow the instructions to the letter to get an ancheta that will be beautiful:


  • small wooden box
  • A piece of Styrofoam the same size as the floor of the box
  • Half sheet of silhouette paper or cellophane
  • pieces of colored paper
  • wooden skewer sticks
  • pennants
  • Sweets of your choice

Implements necessary

  • Scissors
  • Glue gun

Time required

30 minutes

Estimated cost

$32,300 (COP)


Step 1. Fold

Take the piece of Styrofoam and put it inside the box. Take the silhouette paper or cellophane and fold it in the center to make a fan and place it on the box so that it is supported by the Styrofoam. Now, I take two skewer sticks and glue the pennants to each of the ends. Stand them on the styrofoam to hold them or adhere them with silicone.

Step 2. Paste the candies

Take each of the packages and stick them with the help of silicone to a wooden stick. Subsequently, bury each of the Styrofoam sticks. If you want to give it a different touch, cut the sticks to different sizes so that the ancheta looks more fun.

Step 3. Add chunks

Take many pieces of colored paper and place them inside the ancheta so that it covers the spaces where the floor you made of styrofoam can be seen. Done, this candy cane will be ready to give it to whoever you love the most. Good vibes with it.

In addition, we want to teach you how to make a paper envelope to give an incredible gift to the people you love the most. Remember to share our content on your social networks.