How to make a cat scratcher, it’s that simple!

many wonder how to make a cat scratcher because they want their pet to be as comfortable and happy as possible in the space in which they live.

Having a feline at home requires a lot of responsibility on your part. In addition to giving them a lot of love, they also need special care to encourage their agility and mood. For example, it is very common for kittens to require a clean litter box, a gym to be able to play and in many cases, a scratching post that you can easily make and with which they can interact as they please.

In this article we want to tell you what it means to dream about cats and, incidentally, show you the easiest and fastest way to make a homemade scratching post so that your furry one can enjoy the beauty:

How to make a homemade cat scratcher

This craft is for beginners so relax and enjoy an activity that will not only entertain you but your kitty will love it too because it will surely get the most out of it:


  • A cardboard tube (like the one left over after using up all the kitchen paper)
  • An empty glass bottle
  • A large reel of cabuya
  • News paper
  • a wooden board

Implements necessary

  • Glue gun
  • Scalpel
  • Marker

Time required

20 minutes

Estimated cost

$22,600 (COP)


Step 1. Paste and line

The first thing you should do is take the glass bottle and put a line of silicone on the lower end of one of its faces. There, you must stick the rope and immediately start lining the entire bottle with this material. In the points like the neck of the bottle, you must put more silicone points because you cannot have a single centimeter left without lining with the cord. The only area that you should leave free of cabuya is the area that includes the bottle cap.

Step 2. Add

Once you finish lining and leaving the cap area free, take the cardboard tube and cover with it precisely that part of the bottle that you left free (the one with the cap). Then fix the tube to the bottle using a lot of silicone because the idea is that it does not move. At that moment, finish lining the areas of the bottle (such as the neck) that you see without adhering that material with the rope. Now start gluing rope on the cardboard tube only up to half of it, the other half should be free. Cut the excess of the tube with the scalpel, leaving a couple of centimeters of excess and insert newspaper into it so that it has a kind of filling. Seal the tube at the top by folding the same cardboard and gluing with silicone. Now finish lining this small part that was left uncovered with the rope. Remember that not a centimeter should be left unlined.

Step 3. Fix

Now, take the bottle and draw its outline on the wooden board with a marker and fill this space with a lot of silicone. Now fix the bottle there so that it stands still and repeat the action of applying silicone and lining the outline of the bottle on the board with the cord. Ready, this scratcher will be ready for your cat to have fun playing.

Vibra also wants to show you the 9 songs for cat lovers that you have to listen to at least once in your life. Do not forget to share our content with your friends on social networks.