How to log out of the Ouija board safely? (Rules and Tips) –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Properly closing a Ouija board session is very important when it comes to spiritual forces and energies surrounding that divination tool. Do you know how to safely log out of a Ouija board session? Do you know why it is mandatory to follow certain rules to log out and what are the golden rules for a safe Ouija board experience? Read this article to know everything!

The Ouija board: a powerful tool

The Ouija is one of the most famous instruments to contact spirits; Therefore, many people know everything about its closing mechanisms and method. The strange thing is that not many know what to do to end a session. When you are done asking your questions, it is important to close the door to this other world completely.

It is advisable to say goodbye to the spirit with which you have spoken, and thank him for answering the questions. Likewise, everyone must wait for the pointer to point to the word ‘goodbye’ on the table; When it has been successfully marked, you can remove your finger from the Ouija board.

This stage should always be carried out so that the spirit you called realizes that the time has come to leave, so that it does not stay at home waiting to finish a session that will never fully end. You could have a spirit in your home for months or years if you’re not careful!

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Summon demons with the Ouija board

It is undoubtedly a fascinating theory, but the reality is that many people believe that spirits, but also demonic entities, communicate through the Ouija board. Experts in the field suggest that certain unwanted entities use the Ouija as a channel to access our reality. The main demons are Belphegor or Pazuzu.


These nefarious demons will trick participants by spelling a name unknown to them or describing a deceased relative or friend.

Still, people are not aware of the dangers that come with the Ouija board. They think it is a simple game controlled by the power of the mind. But the reality is very different and if the session is not completed correctly you may leave a portal open for all kinds of dark entities to access, such as those mentioned above.

Close the connection

There are certain rules you must follow when using a Ouija board.

  1. One is that you should never use it at home.
  2. Another is to never allow the board to move forward or backward through each letter of the alphabet or each number, a trick that Zozo uses to access our reality.
  3. But the main rule, possibly the most important of all, is this: make sure the planchette is placed on top of “Goodbye” before ending the session. Failure can lead to unintended consequences, such as a demonic spirit or an entity acting unexpectedly.
  4. If a dark entity appears during a session, the connection to the Ouija must be severed immediately. Tell the spirit that you no longer wish to speak with it, and if it refuses, force it to “say goodbye.”
  5. Next, remove the planchette from the board. This should break the connection and the Ouija board should be «closed.» It is recommended to store it by wrapping the planchette in cloth, separate from the table. Then store them in a safe place.

But what if you don’t want the Ouija board anymore?

If you want to get rid of a Ouija board entirely, bury it in the ground (some recommend cutting it into seven pieces before doing so, but this is optional), and remember to keep the board and planchette separate. Then sprinkle holy water on the floor and also clean the area where you used the board with that same water.

Despite all this, some claim that once a connection to the spirit world is made, it can never be undone. From the moment you use it, your destiny is tied to the other side.

Rules to follow

However, there are some rules to not disturb the spirits and make it easier for you to safely log out of the Ouija board:

  • You should never lift your finger off the planchette. If you are tired, ask the spirit to change hands or change hands yourself, making sure one index finger is always on the planchette.
  • If you want to get out of the circle, ask the spirit if you can.
  • It is prohibited for two or more people to speak simultaneously. If there is a medium or someone who has to do with the paranormal, it is better to let them talk.
  • A means is necessary to keep the situation under control. Someone who is overly sensitive may become too involved in the situation and the spirit would take advantage of them.

Just a tip for those planning to have a session:
Don’t get too involved. The session may become too serious; If you don’t already have years and years of experience, it can be difficult to let go of the spirit. Don’t get obsessed with the session.

Rules and regulations for group sessions:

  • There must be at least four people.
  • Each member of the group should have no dislikes or regrets towards another member of the group.
  • Jealousy, envy and hatred feed the strength of evil spirits and this is not good (if an evil spirit has access to you it will be difficult to log out)
  • To do the session you need people who believe in ghosts in life after death; Spirits need our energy to contact us. Therefore, concentration is very important for the success of the session and a positive connection with the spirits!

The importance of saying ‘Goodbye’

By expressing the word “goodbye” it is made very clear that the bond has ended and in this way everything will return to normal, without fear of any evil possession.

At the end, you can release your hands after closing the circle that was formed at the beginning of the session. If you wish, you can say a prayer or you can clear the space to get rid of any stagnant energy.

Good luck with your sessions! Make sure safety is your number one priority when using Ouija boards.

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