How to let go of what hurts you? – Online Psychologists

Life is a series of events that happen without warning. For some you will be prepared and for others you will not. Some will be what you expected and others will be what you expected. Some will make you happy. While others will hurt you and you will not be able to do anything about it. But, if you learn to let go of what hurts youyou will be able to put a stop to that pain before it becomes chronic in your life.

He pain It is part of life. It is a feeling that It warns us that something is wrongthat we have to get away from danger and get to safety. It is an unpleasant feeling, yes, but necessary.

If you did not feel pain, you would be like the frog in the fable, stripped of your instincts.

We are talking about a children's story that tells how, one day, a frog found a pot of boiling water and, upon touching it, jumped out of it. Although he had been burned, the pain had warned him quickly enough to save his life.

Not long afterward he found another cauldron. He got into it because the water was cold, not knowing that the water was gradually warming up. Once in the water, his body adapted to the temperature, which was gradually increasing. When the water was completely warm, the frog was already dead. He had become so accustomed to the hot water that He was unable to escape from what was hurting him.

Don't let pain become a constantand in your life. Don't get used to toxic people, or to being constantly sad. If you trust your instincts and put yourself above everything else, you will be able to let go of what hurts you. Do you want to know how? We'll tell you everything you need to do it.

Learn to let go of what hurts you in 7 steps

Analyze the origin of the pain

In life you will go through many painful situations. From breakups to family problems, conflicts at work, at school… Sometimes you will even hurt yourself unintentionally, it is part of life.

So if you want to let go of what hurts you, the first thing you have to understand is where does that pain come fromDepending on your origin and your personal circumstances, you will have to make a different decision: quit your job, break up with your partner, move house…

If the pain comes from within, for example, you may need to discover what aspects of your life are causing it, so you can change them. Or you may need to contact a psychologistso that you can straighten out those twisted ideas that weigh down your life.

Going to an online psychologist is a comfortable and effective way to overcome emotional pain.

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Get away from the source of pain

When the pain does not come from within you, the best thing you can do is walk away of what triggers it. Walking away doesn't have to mean breaking contact, although sometimes that's the next step.

Sometimes it's enough put physical distance so that the pain goes away. For example, many family problems lose intensity when the parties move away.

By moving away, you will be able to see problems in perspective and to look for solutions with a cool head. In addition, you will have time to assimilate what happened and feel the pain.

Break contact

When it's someone else who hurts you, sometimes it's necessary break contact.

This is the case of breakups between a partner or a friend. Having that person added to social networks, for example, will only increase the pain.

After a breakup, some people sink into deep sadness because They constantly compare themselves with the image that their ex-partner shows on social media. They see them laughing and going out and think “he must have forgotten me quickly” or “while he is having a good time, I am here crying”.

So, to avoid comparisons, the best thing you can do is avoid the temptation by breaking contact. Remember that each person goes at their own pace and that you have to follow your own path.

Allow yourself to feel pain

When you lose something you will most likely go through a duelGrief is a process of adapting to loss, characterized by a great emotional void. Letting go of something that hurts you may be the beginning of a grieving process that will undoubtedly be painful.

However, pain is necessary for adapt to the new situation. And you also need to allow yourself to feel it. Don't feel ashamed of crying: only if you express your feelings will you be able to make them go away.

And when you repress an emotion, the constant act of avoiding feeling it will make you think about it. Repressing an emotion means staying with it, the opposite of what we want to achieve.

Lean on the people who love you

You won't always be able to carry the weight of your emotional pain alone. Luckily, People who love you will be willing to share the load with you: to listen to you, to hug you, to let you cry on his shoulder.

The simple fact of knowing that someone understands you can ease some of that pain. Plus, their advice can help you cope with the situation.

And, without a doubt, their company will help you to disconnect, laugh and enjoy yourself again, even if it is only for a few minutes.

Express your emotions

To release pain it is absolutely necessary that you learn to express your emotions.

You can do it in different ways: talking to a friend, crying, writing what you feel… Get the thorn out of yourself and don't let the pain fester.

If you don't express it now, you may find yourself suffering from it many years from now.

Seek professional help

If the pain seems too great to overcome, it may be time to seek professional help.

Keep in mind that psychologists have broad knowledge about the human mind and emotions. A professional with these characteristics will be able to analyze your situation and give you a solution.

In therapy you can learn to build flexible thoughts that allow you to move forward. In addition, your psychologist will give you the necessary tools to manage negative emotions.

We are sure that with a little help, you will be able to emerge stronger from this experience. In addition, what you have learned in therapy will serve you well. managing future problems in a healthy way, without damaging your mental health in the process.

At we can help you let go of what hurts you. We have been experts in online therapy since 2012 and, since then, We have helped more than 1,600 people to improve your mental health.

We have a team of licensed psychologists who offer care in Spanish, English and Catalan. In addition, we offer one of the most competitive prices on the market: using a voucher for several sessions you can access psychological care from 40 euros per session.

If you want to try our services without obligation, you can do so by requesting a first appointment completely free. To do so, simply click on the button below, fill in the required fields and tell us what concerns you.

A member of our team will contact you to determine the time of the session, which is done via video call.

Why choose

  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.

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