How to know if your deceased loved one has reached the light

Perhaps this question has arisen in your life, especially after losing someone very dear to you. How to know if your deceased loved one has reached the light it is a complicated matter, but many claim that this is known at the time they contact you. Have you noticed that he WANTS to communicate?

There are unmistakable signs for most people who have felt the presence of that being who has already left. Although science has not been able to demonstrate this contact between the tangible world and the beyond, we will always have thousands and thousands of testimonies. We cannot deny that at some point in our lives, we have felt a supernatural presence, especially after losing someone very dear to us.

A vision, a voice, a recurring thought. Something that inside us makes us FEEL that it wants to tell us something. That he wants to transmit peace to us.

Signs of contact between the spiritual world and the material world

If you have felt, being alone, that your hair stood on end, for no apparent reason…

If at any time you have found an object that you did not expect and that has helped you remember someone who has already passed away…

If that song played that reminds you of him or her or you felt a pleasant fragrance around you, their perfume or their smell, surely he has gone to visit you.

For many people it can be very scary to talk about a contact between a deceased loved one and the living. That is why, when a spiritual being has reached the light, he will choose a pleasant way to communicate with you, in order not to make you fear and suspect that he is still by your side. you won’t be afraidbecause he doesn’t want you to be afraid of his presence.

There are those who come to feel a physical contact, like a touch, a caress. Many times everything remains in a feeling of company when we believe that we are alone. But there are cases that come to maintain an even more intense contact, despite its brevity.

Maybe you feel it when you’re in danger

To the question of how to know if a deceased loved one rests in peace there is an answer that is clearer than others: in a dangerous situation. We can only keep testimonials, because we cannot verify everything, obviously. But there are thousands of comments about it.

There are people who claim to have felt the touch or even seen their deceased loved ones alerting them to imminent danger. Other times these beings of light, although unfamiliar, acted as Guardian Angels indicating a place to protect yourself.

On occasion, they even heard his voice, indicating a protective action, such as a command for the safety of the protégé. Without a doubt, the vision of a loved one changes the moment he has reached the light. In this way we usually see them in dreams very often.

When they appear to us in dreams

doHow do you perceive that your loved one who is no longer with you has achieved eternal tranquility?? as simply as when you can see it in dreams. In addition, you have to take into account the appearance that it presents when you dream of it.

In general, our loved ones appear healthy to our eyes, with a peaceful image and even much younger that when they left. Its objective is that you see them happy. This is very important information that you provide us. They want to give us peace of mindpretending that they are fine because, precisely, they have reached that divine light.

Although the psychology responds to many of these dreams as a desire to want to meet again with those who have already left, there really is something magical behind many dreams. It is true that many of them represent our fears, fears and desires, being a common way of dreaming of those we miss. But sometimes dreams bring us messages beyond what we can understand. This is how we suspect that our loved ones are really present by our side.

In dreams it’s easier meet them. They know that while we sleep, the fear in us will be less than if they appeared to us while awake. Somehow, they understand the need we have to know that they are okay, wherever they are. And this is how they indicate their wellness. In other cases, the appearance of a loved one may also be due to an important message that they want to convey to us, something that they did not tell us in life and they need to say.

One step up

Many describe that appearance of the loved one, either in dreams or in the real world, as a way to overcome something that they have left undone and that they need to finish, in order to ascend and reach the light.

In general, the testimonies of those who have felt this beloved presence have been given early, shortly after their death. This could be an unequivocal sign of contact, although some may dismiss it as longing and needing to see them again, rather than real spiritual contact.

Know if your deceased loved one has achieved light and peace, It is not that difficult, although sometimes it is necessary to have a lot of faith and intuition to realize that contact with the beyond. It is possible that the fear of the occult does not allow many to realize the messages that they leave us, but our relatives continue to take care of us.