How to know if you have the evil eye and how to remove the evil eye

Lately I have been asked a lot about the evil eye, about the possible curses that someone has thrown at you, those curses that make your health worse, or that since then you cannot sleep, you live in constant stress… And it is that a bad Eye damage can be a terrible practice in the form of a curse that someone throws at us, as it can also be an obsession of ours to which we attribute all our ills.

Be that as it may, either out of paranoia or because someone has really put an evil eye on us, I am going to tell you about the remedies that we can use to eliminate any curse that we have: If in the worst case we actually have an evil eye on us , we can delete it and continue with our lives. If at best it was simple paranoia, simply nothing will happen but we will finally be calm.

What is an evil eye?

The evil eye, in the same way as love spells and love spells, deals with the movement of energy towards a person. Normally an evil eye is invoked (cast) by a person who is envious, spiteful or resentful towards us. Through a look of contempt and his desire for things to go wrong for us, he casts the curse we know as the «evil eye».

In some regions (especially the East) it is believed that people with light eyes have a greater ability to do damage through their gaze, although I honestly believe that it is simply because light eyes in those areas are less common and they are attributed to people who have an «extra» dose of evil, so evil eye looks carry more hate load.

An evil eye always comes from a person who envy us, or because they admire us too much, or because they can’t stand our qualities and/or because at some point we have hurt them, directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously.

What symptoms does an evil eye produce?

The first thing I want to make clear is that an evil eye will always affect the mind. An evil eye does not break our arm, it does not give us the flu… but the nerves and insecurity that the curse itself causes is what can cause us to break an arm, catch a cold, a disease…

The evil eye produces nervousness, paranoia, fears… without these being justified. This generates nausea, discomfort, dizziness, insomnia… and due to all of the above causes a drop in our body’s defenses, a greater possibility of falling ill, of having an accident…

But the main effect, as we indicated, is mental, so when we have signs that someone has given us an evil eye, the first thing we must be clear about is that it will only affect our mind, so if we stop it in time It will never affect our body.

If, on the other hand, the evil eye has already affected your body, you should bear in mind that it is due to a mental issue, so after having taken the correct steps to remove the evil eye, all bodily evil will disappear almost immediately.

How to know if you have the evil eye

There are several rituals to know if we have been given an evil eye, the most common is the ritual of the two glasses, water and oil

To do it we need:

  • A glass of water, glass without relief.
  • A small glass with olive oil
  • A small lock of hair from the person we want to consult
  • a white candle

We will introduce part of the lock of hair into the oil, so that it is impregnated. We remove it and put it on top of the glass of water until 3 drops of oil fall on top of it. If 3 drops do not fall, you can put the lock back into the oil.

Once you have the 3 drops of oil in the glass of water, put it on top of the white candle so that the entire glass lights up.

If the oil has spread in such a way that you cannot see it (sometimes it even seems to have disappeared), it means that the person consulted he has an evil eye

If, on the other hand, the drops of oil remain delimited, or even join to form a larger drop, in that case, the person consulted he has no evil eye.

There are other systems to find out if someone has an evil eye, some using eggs and water (similar to the system that I am telling you about) but I recommend that you use the water and oil system, since it is very clear to interpret and you also use products that are safe What do you have in your house?

Home and natural remedies to remove an evil eye

The first thing I always recommend is that you strengthen your spirit: In a happy body it is very difficult for anyone to cast an evil eye on you. Enjoy your life, even the bad moments have something positive (think about a bad moment in your life, don’t you think it’s so bad? What did it have something good?). Practice sports, do yoga… you can do all of this for free with Youtube videos, you don’t even need to spend money.

Enjoy life in a healthy way, love your body, love yourself as you love a child or your love. Stop thinking that everything negative comes to you, get rid of the idea that the world focuses on your misfortunes, that the worst things happen to you… remember that the universe always grants you what you ask:

  • Me: I am the most unfortunate person in the world
  • Universe: Granted, you are.

However, if you already have an evil eye, we must remove it and I will tell you how:

  • Remove evil eye with an egg: Pass an egg over your head praying an Our Father. After that place the egg in a small bowl and place it under your pillow. Thanks to the bowl, the egg will not break and it will absorb all the negative energy.
    You will wake up radiant and like new. The evil eye has disappeared.
  • Remove an evil eye with a white candle: Light a white candle in the center of a room and repeat the following prayer 3 times:

Almighty God, creator of earth and heaven, father of Jesus, deliver me from this curse.

  • Remove the evil eye with eucalyptus: The eucalyptus has an impressive property as a «sponge» of negative energy. Thanks to the eucalyptus, it will be possible to absorb all the negative energy and protect the people in the house.
    It is also advisable to carry a little eucalyptus bark with you to be protected outside the home.
  • With plum pits: One of the most popular and curious systems is bury 9 plum pits in your patio or in a pot itself, right at the entrance of your house. Plum pits create an impenetrable barrier for the bad energies of an evil eye.
  • Spray your body with a infusion of rue leaves and let the skin dry naturally. The essence of rue makes it impossible for the bad energies of the evil eye to affect our body and mind.

And above all! Mentalize that it is not necessary to pay a guru to remove an evil eye, you have the power to do it, we all have the same magic and the same power, the only thing that one knows that works from experience and you perhaps still have to put your magic into practice. So if you doubt if you have an evil eye, use one of the home systems that I explain to you so that you do not have to suffer about this issue.