How to know if you are a wicca witch? 10 signs to find out

All people are susceptible to harboring magical powers. After all, we adopt this earthly form to be able to travel through the world, but we do not stop being the manifestation of a spirit. You yourself could be a witch and use all the resources that white magic and black magic offer you.

What kind of magical powers could you harbor, without your knowing it? If you are a woman, Wicca could be a means of realizing your full potential as a witch.

What is a wicca witch?

Wicca magic is a Celtic neopagan tradition that incorporates elements of Hermeticism and the occult, that is, that mixes belief in deities with spells and magical rituals. She is rooted in spirituality and nature.

That is why Wicca has been revealed as a formula by which every woman can connect with her innate powers. Taking up elements of the ancient Celtic, Nordic, Indian and Mesoamerican peoples, it builds in the modern era a proposal to live in a more liberated way, outside the restrictions of today’s society.

Through rituals and spells, Wicca offers a means to awaken the spirit, and attract and release natural energies, but in Western society women have a long history of struggling to free themselves from stigma. Misinformation, stereotypes, legal restrictions, cultural stigmasall of this shapes us and decides for us what we should be.

That is why before discovering why wicca and being a wicca witch can help us fulfill ourselves as women and be ourselves in freedom, it is interesting to remember what witchcraft is and what stigmas it carries in history linked to misogyny and machismo.

Witchcraft, sorcery… machismo and misogyny

When you think of a witch the first thing that comes to mind is a woman with a wart, a hooked nose and a hat. This is the image prototype that we have created in western culture: mostly women, and also old. Although there are also sorcerers, they are not even remotely represented, and they were never the object of a hunt…

The basis of Christianity that has nurtured Western thought is rooted in misogyny from its own roots, by considering women a product that emerged from men and converting Eve into the incarnation of original sin that causes the expulsion of humanity from the earthly paradise.

In the holy scriptures it is written: «You will not let the sorceress live» (Exodus 22:18).

Witchcraft, historically, was associated with the cult of Satan, although in reality it was a form of freedom. The women gathered to celebrate the life that beat in themand so for example, when the Christian religion began to impose prohibitions on their bodies, their response was to dance at night and seek the worship of pleasure.

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The supposed witches were nothing more than women who they were looking for an encounter with nature in order to get rid of the social restrictions of the time.

From that bond with nature, the witch is born who, today, takes advantage of the energies that it provides. for magic spells and rituals.

In the Middle Ages, the witch was burned at the stake for being a free woman. Real witches are women because as potential carriers of life, from very early they have a special sensitivity that makes them sense or discover what is hidden from us. That is why during pregnancy is when the woman has the greatest number of premonitory dreams…

understanding wicca

Let’s see how Wicca summarizes its main ideas and principles:

1. The wicca witch attaches great importance to the words exchanged and useful information. It is important to honor those who teach and above all, respect those who share their older knowledge and wisdom.

two. Responsibility towards the environment. It is about living in tune with nature, in ecological balance, offering our commitment to life and conscience. It is to be in favor of sustainable evolution. Taking green actions synchronizes you with your spirit.

3. Recognizes the existence of a power “beyond”. The «supernatural» is there, even if we have not witnessed it. But we know for a fact that it is a latent state within each witch, potentially attainable by all.

Four. He attaches great importance to masculine and feminine polarity. Everything in the universe is divided based on these two energies. And people, both women and men, harbor these two kinds of strength. This in no way places any gender above the other; one leans on the other and lives harmoniously. It is the right that we grant ourselves to be more maternal and feminine and other times, more warrior and independent.

5. There is an internal Spiritual World and another objective, external, which is the one that we all recognize as common. The interaction of these two dimensions is the basis for paranormal phenomena and for the exercise of magic. We must not neglect any dimension for the other, both being necessary for our personal fulfillment.

6. Rituals are importantare actions that serve to synchronize us with the natural rhythm of the forces of life, taking into account the phases of the moon, the seasonal quarters and semi-quarters.

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7. The view of a normative religion is not necessarily incompatible with Wicca. It’s about finding common ground. A global vision prevails, a philosophy of life that identifies with the Wicca Path.

8. Calling yourself «Witch» doesn’t make you a Witch, but neither does heredity, nor does collecting titles, degrees, and initiations. A Witch tries to control the Forces that make life possible within herself in order to live wisely. and do his will without prejudice to others and in tune with Nature.

9. Leave far behind the old concept of «witchcraft» as worshiping Satan or doing evil. Witch figures from the past are not revered. from wicca, the interest of the witches must always be in the present and in the future.

10. Look within nature for everything that contributes to your health and well-being. Home remedies before pharmacy medicine.

How to know if you are a wicca witch? 10 signs to know if you have a gift

If you are reading this article, you probably have some of the «marks» that mark you as a potential witch with strong magical powers. Coincidences do not exist… But in addition, in this list there are a series of details that will confirm you as a budding witch. Attention!

1. Special events usually happen to you on a full moon

Somehow, you follow the same rhythms as the moon. Or at least, you’re in sync with their beats. If you are wondering how to know if you are a wicca witch, check what relationship you have with the moon.

2. You have the feeling that a person is thinking of you

Real witches exist, and you can be one of them. If so, you develop a very strong connection with your special people. And it’s not uncommon in your life to receive messages from them just as they cross your mind!

3. Your wishes are manifested in reality

Little coincidences, like getting an item you needed or were thinking about on the street. But if you’re wondering how to tell if you’re a wicca witch, the small signs of everyday life they can be an important sign.

4. You have precognitive dreams about people who are significant to you

This is increased if you are pregnant or in the event of the recent death of a relative or someone you loved very much. Premonition is one of the main signs of witchcraft, in addition to magical powers, spells and rituals.

5. If you love to dance and/or follow the rhythm easily

You are one of those who know perfectly when the beat is going to change. It’s because witches know how to flow naturally!

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6. Naturally, you read and find out about esoteric topics

And you most likely have crystals and incense in your house!

7. If your astrological sign is Scorpio

It is the sign most related to witchcraft, due to its mystical and enigmatic nature. There may be witches of other signs, but if someone made a percentage, 80% would be Scorpio… If you are wondering how to know if you are a witch… among all these signs, don’t forget to look at your horoscope.

8. You like to dress differently from the rest and you enjoy your own style

You know that you are not the same as the others and you are not so focused on using kilos and kilos of makeup. Although you are always fascinating.

9. You have thoughts that you do not know where they have come from and that are especially wise

Your synchronicity with nature and your keen sense of observing nature gives you almost everything you need to know.

Today’s lifestyle does not pay attention to these types of cues because we are too focused on our rational mind. We are not taught to see beyond. To develop our full potential. “Because the system rejects free people. And witchcraft is freedom» You have already seen that being a witch has nothing to do with brooms or being allergic to churches. And you, do you feel identified with these indicative signs?

10. Naturally, you tend to heal or feel interested in any of its branches

In fact, it is not uncommon that on your walks you always collect some stone or some branch that catches your attention… A witch in a dormant state unconsciously does what a witch in her full potential would gather to elaborate some ritual.

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The connection between nature, woman and magic in wicca witchcraft

Wicca has been revealed as a formula by which every woman can connect with her powers of birth. It takes up elements of the ancient Celts, Nordic peoples, North American and Mesoamerican Indians and builds from the modern era, a proposal to live in a more liberated way, outside the restrictions of today’s society.

In our western society, women have had long histories of freeing ourselves, not only from legal and social restrictions on our lives and bodies, but from a long list of prejudices that have been embedded in our lives and that prevent us from being free. Misinformation, stereotypes, legal restrictions, cultural stigmas, shape us and decide for us what we should be.

It is time to leave them behind. Our time has come to manifest our own feminine nature, through this kind of awareness and sensitivity that differentiates us from the rest. Let’s look at the world with a new look, broader, kinder and more magical, like Wicca itself.