How to know if there are spirits with you? 11 ways to feel a presence

Have you ever wondered if a spirit or a ghost visited you? Do you think you feel a presence when you find yourself at home all alone? Do you feel like there are spirits in your house? Are you curious to know if a loved one is trying to contact you, and how to know if there are spirits with you?

In the following report we will enter the universe of strange presences, so that you know if someone is trying to contact you from beyond.

How to know if there are spirits with you: 11 ways to feel a presence

Many ask themselves that question daily, how to know if there are spirits with you, how to react when you feel a presence, be it strange (or even dark). Sometimes we feel that spirits can creep into our dreams, appearing normal and calm.

There are those who classify these spirits as ghosts if they appear with a strange impression, that makes us uncomfortable. Also, ghosts are often attached to a particular object (or house), while spirits come and go when they have messages to deliver.

Next, We are going to collect the most common signs to know if there are spirits with youalthough it is important to understand that, in general, many of the situations exposed can have an explanation linked to the world of the living (if the house is old, external problems with the energy supply…).

1. Unexplained noises and voices

We can feel a presence through the noise of footsteps, bumps, scratches, feel that something has fallen… In general, these sounds can be subtle to begin with and gradually become amplified.

At this point we can add the noises related to the human voice: shouts, whispers and voices (or even music from an unknown source) usually coming from a particular place in the house. There are people who, being alone at home, turn their heads because they feel that they hear their names.


2. Open doors or cabinets

How to know if there are spirits in the house? One proof is that the doors of the home, the drawers or the cupboards open by themselves, without rational explanation.

3. Lights and appliances that turn on (or off) by themselves

Another way to feel strange presences is through our electrical devices, especially lamps. Have your lights always worked fine and suddenly they start to flash, or turn on and off, and there is no rational explanation, no electrical failure at home? Ask yourself why: there may be another energy that interrupts its operation, ask yourself where it comes from and you will have the answer on how to know if there are spirits with you. The same can be extended to other devices in the house: the television that changes the channel without anyone pressing the button, or the favorite song of a missing loved one skips on the radio.

4. The disappearance of objects

Another way to feel a dark presence is if an everyday object suddenly disappears from its usual place, only to reappear a few days later. It is not so frequent, but also se can produce levitations, objects that slide off shelves, that fly above usmoving furniture… This often indicates the presence of a ghost or negative energy.

5. The object of a loved one

When we lose a relative or a friend we can feel their presence in our day to day. And even more so if, all of a sudden, we stumble upon an object that belonged to him. If you’re wondering how to tell if there are spirits with you, this is it. one of the clearest ways to corroborate it.

6. Apparitions and shadows

Spirits can manifest in many ways, among others, through inexplicable shadows that we see slipping before our eyes. As apparitions, we understand a human appearance or entity, which can be solid, transparent, or misty. You can also see glowing orbs; white orbs are linked to angels, and colored ones to spirits.

7. Temperature changes

The sign of the presence of a spirit may be that there are variations in temperature in certain places in your house. If it is that in a warm house there is a room, or even a certain corner, in which it is cold, perhapswhat we are experiencing is feeling a paranormal presence.

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8. Feeling watched (or feeling a presence while you sleep)

This can be a general or specific impression of a place in the house. In general, this sensation can be strange, although it does not necessarily mean that the presence itself is strange. There are people who claim that if you wake up at 3 in the morning (in fear and for no apparent reason) it is because someone is watching you.

We are talking about a phenomenon linked to nocturnal visitors, that is, a dark presence that torments us at night. Night visitors can appear at the foot of the bed, or we can see a person from the side who is watching us. Believe it or not, it is very common to feel a presence while you sleep, whether they are strange presences or not.

9. The feeling of being touched

What does it mean to feel someone touch you? It is the question that many people ask themselves when researching how to know if there are spirits with you and it is a very common feeling. We can feel touched, or pushed, and sometimes, if the energy is negative, unexplained scratches can appear. In short, another way of feeling a paranormal presence.

10. Unexplained odors

Sweet smells are associated with benign spirits (perhaps the «smell of holiness» that good people give off when they die sounds familiar to you), while unpleasant-smelling fragrances generally warn of a negative presence.

11. The sensitivity of an animal

Pets have the gift of feeling a presence. If your dog or cat (since they are the most common pets) reacts to a particular place in your home, feeling agitated for no reason, or seems to react to something you can’t see it can be a good sign to know if there are spirits with you.