How to know if someone loves you? find out

Several times the doubt how to know if someone loves you it spins around in our heads, and more so when we are dating someone. There are signs that are impossible to hide, get to know them.

Some will think that love is linked to destiny and that we are finally with whom we have to be. However, for others the things of the heart are a complete enigma.

For example, some people have no idea when they’re falling for us romantically (if they just want to sleep with you it’s easier to tell) unless they tell you clearly and directly.

However, that almost never happens, because the other person, just like you, is afraid of rejection and will surely think that your love is not reciprocated.

10 ways to know if someone loves you

Fortunately there are certain behaviors that a person in love cannot hide no matter how hard you try, we just have to apply a little psychology. We share some of these signs for you know who loves you

His eyes give him away

If he loves you, his eyes will not be able to hide it, for something it is said that they are the window of the soul; Not only will they sparkle when they see you and he will smile with them, but you will surely catch him looking at you when he thinks no one is looking.

laughs at your jokes

This is key to the list. how to know if someone loves you. So they are not good. Are you surprised when you say something silly and your friend or colleague celebrates it as if it were the event of the century? He wakes up, because that person surely loves you.

You will notice that he is very happy every time he sees you again, even if it has only been a week, and that happens because he misses you; if she misses you it is because she thinks of you and has romantic feelings towards you.

It’s there for you when you need it

Think very well; Recently, who has been with you in the difficult times you have been through? Who has listened to you and lent you his shoulder to cry on? OKAY.

spend time with you

People do not usually give time the value it really has. If that person deliberately spends time with you, even if they are not doing anything special, even if each one does their thing, it is because he only has eyes for you.

is on your side

have you ever wondered if someone loves me? Pay attention because if someone in the group of friends or work starts it against you, he will come out to defend you and take your side, even if that makes him make enemies. It’s his way of showing his loyalty to you and protecting what he considers «his.»

knows you better than anyone

You might just stare at each other and suddenly laugh because you both know exactly what the other is thinking and you say, «What good friends we are, we’re connected.» In fact, he is connected to your heart.

He wants your happiness (at all costs)

Even if he is dying of love, he will be able to sincerely wish that another person makes you happy, even if he is dying to do so.

Finally, to know who secretly loves me: he has preferential treatment for you

Take a good look at how he treats you, but in the subtle, in the details, such as his tone of voice, the words he uses, the way he speaks; If you notice that he treats you differently from everyone else, have feelings for yourself.

How to know if someone secretly loves me?

He tells you things like that you are a very special person, that you are very important in his life, that he admires you, that he respects you, etc. It is likely that he will never tell you I love you, because he has already told you in other ways and hopes that you have understood. secretly love someone it is a constant internal struggle with himself.

How do you know when someone doesn’t love you?

Disinterest is the main indicator that a person no longer enjoys your company, as well as hiding details that were previously important to both of you. Maintaining importance in communication is vital to understand the problems that may affect the relationship.

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With information from: panda gossip