A dehydrated plant It is prone to die, but it does not mean that I must do it, since there is a solution for them. The problem is that the lack of water It is not always evident, because dry leaves or broken stems are not the only symptoms of A plant devoid of liquid.
The symptoms of Dehydration They may not be obvious, but they are there, and if you pay attention you will find them easily. In addition to this, you must try to attack to save it and that it even renaks, with greater force.
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Rolled or folded leaves
One of the least obvious signals that indicate that plants are dehydratedIt is a rolled leaf. It usually happens with species such as the delicious monster or the skeleton plant. If you look at them closely, only rolls are seen, but they are still firm and even brilliant. This is because The environment lacks moistureso it is enough to wrap the sheet on a kitchen napkin Wet and water it more frequently.
Not all plants resect when they need water.Shestock / Getty Images.
Detached leaves
When they dry they fall, but sometimes fresh or yellowish leaves detach from the stem and that is a sign that The plant is dehydrated. When the leaves have enough water They do not fall, they even replenish little by little, but if it is not the case, it is important quickly hydrate. You have to apply water near the stem so that the water abosorba faster.