How to know if he is in love with me? why does he do this

If you’ve ever wondered «how to know if he’s in love with me?», we have the answer! Impossible behaviors to hide.

They say that women fall in love much more than men; This may be a myth, but the truth is that men themselves are in charge of showing us, with their behavior, if what they feel is true love or not. You just have to know how to observe.

When a man truly falls in love, he gives physical and emotional signs that you must know how to observe and interpret, that way you will know, even if he has not yet said «I love you».

Pay close attention to this compilation of the 10 keys to know if your boyfriend is in love with you Really:

Shows constant interest in you and your life

Always ask about your friends, your family and your work. Even if you don’t tell him everything, he insists on finding out more about your life.

Your details are spot on

And by details we don’t mean expensive things, but simple things, like a letter, a flower that you picked up on the side of the road or a dessert, but that is specially designed for you, because it has taken the trouble to observe what you like .

knows how to make you laugh

The guy you’re dating knows how to make you smile so you feel special. He is the type that can show up on your darkest day and really cheer you up. He tells you everything you need to hear.

It’s there for you too when you’re down

An infallible tip for know if a man is really in love it’s knowing that you can turn to him whenever the going gets tough and you know he’ll be there, so the guy really loves you.

He always asks how you feel

Whenever you are together, he is careful about how you feel and it is evident to you that he goes to great lengths to find out if you are really comfortable.

consents you

Those casual touches aren’t necessarily sexual, but they are definitely signs that he’s falling for you. If he has the urge to hold your hand while you’re walking together, then that’s a sure sign.

looking for you for no reason

He calls or writes to you and doesn’t ask what you’re doing or who you’re with, he just wants to talk to you; you can feel by the sound of her voice that she called you because she is missing you and thinking of you.

Question about your past and your future

If he asks you about your dreams, your desires, your past, your needs, what you love, as if he wants to get into your thoughts, then you can count on him falling in love with you.

How to know if he is in love with me? He spends more and more time with you

Dedicate every free moment you have to yourself. During this time, the two of you share a lot of laughs and have fun together. He always tries to organize his schedule so that he can spend more time with you.

When you talk to him, he looks you straight in the eye.

It means that he is giving you his full attention. Obviously, this is not necessary for every conversation you have on a daily basis, but it is necessary for intimate and bed conversations.

What do you think? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!