How to know if a witch visits my baby (or bothers my baby)

How to know if a witch visits my baby Babies, especially newborns, are very delicate. You have to take great care of them and watch over them both materially and spiritually.

Due to their fragility, they are more exposed to suffering not only physical illnesses but also from the negative influence of people who may be around them or entities such as witches, goblins, etc.

Hence, we have received questions such as the following: How do I know if a witch is bothering my baby? and How do I know if a witch visits my baby?

In that sense, today we are going to answer these questions, but first it is important to know what is a witch?


What is a witch?

It is important to note that a witch is not only a negative spirit, but also a flesh and blood person who may be trying (often out of envy) to harm a baby.

It should not be thought that it is just a bent old lady with gray hair, it can be a young woman who, for different reasons, walks the path of darkness.

Even, from the point of view of antiquity, those older women who lived alone and who healed people with different plants were called witches. That is to say, in some places they called witches to simple healers who, in many occasions were burned being innocent, since they were doing good for the people of the town. Hence, there has always been confusion with this term and the importance of its proper differentiation and identification.

We emphasize that, for us, a witch (or even a witch who also has a male version) is any person who, through negative actions such as enchantments or the evil eye) want to cause some kind of harm to a baby or young child.


But how to know if the baby is visited or bothered by them

To the question How to know if a witch visits my baby, we answer that there are four clear signs and that they are:

unexplained weight loss The baby was at his weight and eating properly, and suddenly he has started losing weight without any explanation and is unwilling to eat.

Loud and desperate crying that always starts at 3:00 am In relation to that hour, it is necessary to point out that, from the esoteric point of view, it is the opposite of the death of Christ, hence it is considered negative.

Bruises all over the body If the baby suddenly has bruises all over his body, it is necessary not only to think about the presence of witches but also about the possibility of a babysitter (especially if one has recently been hired).

Small cuts or scratches in the navel area In many ancient traditions, witches are mentioned to «suck» or absorb life energy through the navel.

Another aspect that is important to consider is that if the baby has manifested all these symptoms after a visit from a person who had not previously had contact with him, it is necessary to take care of that person and not leave him alone with the baby.


What can you do about it

The first step is to reduce the number of people who see the baby and go to the doctor to rule out any physical ailment that could confuse the situation.

In the event that the pediatrician indicates that he does not find any anomaly, it is necessary, then, to think about the spiritual part.

The use of the red thread on the wrist or foot is essential. Remember that it is recommended that the baby has it on the left side (hand or foot) and that it is not too tight to avoid circulation problems.

Dressing the child with the clothes inside out is also recommended, since, according to the ancient traditions, tends to confuse negative entities.

Praying is essential. There are several prayers that help protect babies from witches and goblins that can help in that purpose.


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