How to know if a Taurus man likes you in 6 signs

The most stable of the earth signs would seem to many to be an imperturbable being who nothing seems to move from his iron routines… or maybe it does? It could be that it is not something that is visible, or at least not something that can be achieved by anyone. But if you’ve asked yourself the question when you sensed some possible clue, you might want to know if that Taurus man likes you.

Find out if your suspicions are true with these signs that we discuss below.

Does that Taurus man like you? 6 signs to detect it

Behind the armor with which the (seemingly) imperturbable Taurus protects himself, there is a very tender person.

1. From protective to possessive

When the Taurus man feels something special for someone, he brings out his most protective facet to ensure that person’s well-being. The problem comes when, in his very forceful way of doing it, he takes his way of acting a little to the extreme and gives the impression of being very possessive.

If that has been one of the variations that you have perceived and you wanted to know if that Taurus man likes you, remember that this change of behavior is typical of them when they are attracted to someone.

2. Does not give signs but gets closer

Imagine the situation in which that person in your environment does not show more signs of variation in his behavior (when he is in your presence) than the shortening of his distances towards you.

Suddenly it is as if you feel that he has taken a step closer to you (literally speaking) when you share the same moments and situations as before, with the difference that nothing in his body language could indicate that his interest in you has increased.

Actually, something has changed, and it is that if the Taurus man systematically shortens the distance that separates you, it is because he has stopped seeing you as any other person and feels true attraction for you.

3. He changes his routine (a little) to match you

Taurus is a true animal of customs and getting him out of his routine is almost an impossible mission. Or not really? Well, in this case, he has to have enough motivation to do it, and if what really motivates him is to spend some time with you and to achieve it he has to change his daily «immovable habits», he will do it.

Is it necessary to say that if what pushes him to give up (for a while) his strict modus vivendi is spending a few moments with you… is that Taurus man really interested in you?

4. Get out of your comfort zone

Once again the customs of Taurus is put to the test and manages to surprise us; Suddenly he appears with changes in his tastes, in his agenda and even the initiative becomes a curious novelty in his way of acting.

When you get to know a man of this sign well, one of the things you most associate with him is that he is quite predictable, since in his disciplined way of proceeding, surprises do not usually take place.

It is for this reason that observing certain striking changes in Taurus men is indicative that they feel life in a new way, and when those changes imply an approach or spending more time with a person (in this case you), it is very clear that it is because he likes you

5. He opens up to tell you his intimacies

As jealous as he is of his personal life, you will not see Taurus men telling any of his intimacies right and left. No way. He is one of the most reserved zodiac signs there is, except when he feels comfortable with a person whom he feels he trusts completely.

But for someone to become close enough to him that he openly comes clean, it’s because he wants to be more intimate with that particular person. And if it is with you that he shares that connection, take note; he is telling you that he wants you to reciprocate his emotional openness with your own.

6. Discovery of her sensuality

Beneath all that behavior of a reserved person, somewhat rough and apparently somewhat cold, hides someone endowed with a very special sensitivity. Taurus men perceive their world in a very sensory way, and as soon as the senses are made available to the person who makes them feel… You already have the trigger for the demonstration of affection!

If when testing the senses of the man of this sign you perceive a clear connection with you, an inevitable and unequivocal approach, do not hesitate any longer, you have that Taurus man in love with you; Not everyone is worth touching the fiber.