How to help a person when they are sad – Online Psychologists

Throughout our lives we face a multitude of challenges and changes that can cause feelings of sadness both ourselves and those around us. A bad grade on an exam, the death of a loved one, a break-up… there are many triggers for this feeling.

Like all emotionssadness is useful and necessaryin addition to a natural psychological and biological reaction that, managed correctly, It does not have to be a negative aspect of our lives. because it forces us to adapt and reflect on the new situations we face.

Most people feel helpless when trying to comfort a grieving loved one because there is nothing they can do physically to improve their mood. Still, there are small ways to help them. Tricks that can help you when it comes to comforting those you love the most. Today at we teach you how to do it.

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How to comfort another person

  • When starting the conversationIt's important to let the person know that you know they're sad and that you're willing to listen. Talk about it as it is without beating around the bush, ask them how they feel, and keep your attention focused on them. Most of the time, the other person just needs someone to listen to them.
  • During the conversation. Show that you are listening carefully by repeating back what the person says. You can also use your body language to show that you are listening. Eye contact, nodding while the person is telling you something, smiling at the right moments or showing concern by frowning are some tricks that will make the other person feel comforted.
  • At the end of the conversationIf you feel that way, it's okay to admit that you don't know how to help that person. It's natural. You just have to admit it and let the other person know that you're there for them. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can offer them a hug and ask if they need anything, if there's anything you can help with.
  • Make him consider going to therapyIf you think that person needs extra help, if the feeling of sadness lasts a long time or you do not think there is any reason for them to feel that way, you can recommend that he see a psychologist. In most cases it is very helpful to talk to someone who knows what they are doing professionally.

What you shouldn't do when someone is sad

We know that everything you do in these moments is with the best of intentions, but even if we don't realize it, certain behaviors not only don't help but can actually make the other person sadder. These are some of the things you should avoid.

  • Although it may be tempting, Avoid comparing your situation to something you have experienced in the past.
  • Avoid list all those reasons for which I shouldn't be sad.
  • You shouldn't downplay it or relativize their situation.
  • Don't try to talk over that person nor offer you solutions that you have not asked for.
  • Don't get distractedKeep the conversation focused on that person.

Sometimes feelings of sadness arise out of the blue; other times they are justified. Either way, if these feelings persist for a long period of time (around 2-3 weeks) they can become a real problem.

Fortunately, there are many effective treatments for depression, so even in the most severe cases, there are ways to get help. Don't think twice and remember that at Our team of online psychologists is available to you and your loved ones through the first free session. And smile again!

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