How to grow potatoes at home?

If you are interested in learning how to grow potatoes at home, here we give you some tricks that you will surely love.

For many, growing potatoes may seem complicated, but in reality it is much easier than you imagine since you only need a pot. In addition, in this way you can take advantage of the freshness and flavor of organic potatoes that go from being freshly harvested to being served at your table.

How the potato is grown

If you want to grow potatoes at home, you will not need many implements and the best thing is that it does not require as much time as other foods. So you can enjoy your potato harvest in your kitchen.

How to grow potatoes: Air and light

The first thing you should do is put the potatoes you want to plant in an airy and light place, so that they begin to germinate. Once approximately 3 weeks have passed you will have to choose the potatoes that have the largest sprouts in order to have the best results.

to the pot

Then you will have to prepare the pot where you are going to plant the potatoes, you must place a layer of about 30 cm of soil and then put the germinated tubers separately. It is important that when placing the potatoes in the ground, the shoots are pointing upwards. Then cover with another layer of soil and water until moist. It is important that you keep in mind that you should only cover and not put large amounts of soil in the pot.

Let the harvest begin!

Remember that each time the plant grows you must add more layers of soil of approximately 10 cm. In this way, the plant is forced to grow and generate more roots, therefore many more potatoes. And ready! This way you can enjoy delicious potatoes ready for any recipe in the kitchen.

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