How to grow nails quickly and naturally

We teach you a trick so you know how to grow nails in a very simple but effective way.

If you want your hands to look beautiful because you have strong and healthy nails, here we will show you some homemade tips that are very easy to do but quite effective. In addition, here we give you an idea of ​​the nail shapes that best suit you according to your hands, so take note!

How to grow nails fast

If your nails are growing very slowly, you can resort to home remedies to make them look much more beautiful. That is why we leave you some ideas that will be of great help to you.

How to grow nails with milk and lemon

This home remedy will not only help your nails grow strong, but it will also help whiten them. The only thing you need is 125 ml of milk and the juice of a lemon, mix in a container then put your nails for 15 minutes and finally wash with plenty of water. To see the results you must repeat the procedure 3 times a week.

How to apply apple cider vinegar on nails

Apple cider vinegar is an ingredient that fights bacteria, therefore it will not only help its growth but also if fungi occur, it can eliminate them completely. Ideally, you mix 200ml of water with 100ml of vinegar. Then insert the nails for 10 minutes, rinse and repeat the remedy 2 times a week.

How to grow nails with garlic

This is one of the best known home remedies in the world, which is why many people recommend it. In addition, the properties of garlic will make your nails grow naturally in no time. All you need is to crush 2 cloves of garlic and when it is ready you should apply it to your nails for approximately 10 minutes. If you want the results to be immediate, repeat this procedure every day until you see your nails as you have always dreamed of.

How to prepare garlic with lemon for nails

Another great idea is to add lemon to the paste left over from crushing the garlic, this will help make your nails look shiny too. What you should do is crush a clove of garlic and put it in 125ml of water to let it boil. Then you must let the liquid cool, add the juice of a lemon and mix. Put the mixture in a jar and every night before bed apply it on your nails with a brush.

If you like to take care of your appearance, this is surely for you… Here we tell you what is the latest fashion for toenail decoration, you will love it!