Living abroad is the perfect opportunity to grow, mature and see the world. This is a unique and very enriching experience that is worth trying, but what happens when you come back? Getting over returning home after a stay away is not easy, so we are going to give you some tips. Five practical tips that will help you cope with the situation.
5 tips to help you get through returning home after a stay away
1. No need to say goodbye, keep in touch
Even though you've returned home and there are too many miles in between, it doesn't mean you have to say goodbye forever. You can keep in touch with everyone who have been part of this experience outside.
It is now easier than ever to maintain this relationship and communication thanks to new technologies: Skype, WhatsApp, Hangoutsetc. All of these channels will help you stay up to date with your friends and not lose connection.
In the same way, you can also propose a reunion. To overcome the nostalgia of the good times, you can meet again. In addition, this is the perfect opportunity to be able to specify an intermediate place and get to know new cities. Any excuse is good for continue traveling with your friends.
2. Rediscover your city
Since returning home is sometimes inevitable, you don't have to do so upset about the life you're leaving behind. Being sad, angry, or feeling down about returning It is not the most appropriate attitude to overcome this situation..
Be positive and turn things around. Take your return home as an opportunity to see your city from a different perspective. a new perspectiveThe place you left is not the same as the one you will find again, because you have changed. Maybe now is the time to go to places you didn't go before, to visit places that didn't appeal to you before. People and places change. Rediscover your city.
3. Demonstrate your learning
Leaving home always involves a learning and evolution. On this return it is time to show everything you have learned and the person you have become. At first it can be difficult to realize that you may not enjoy the same freedom as before, but you have to show your ability to be more responsible, take risks, be self-sufficient, control your financesetc.
When you return from abroad you may do so to a flat alone or to your parents' house. If it is the first case, you still maintain your independence, if it is the second situation, it is time to get involved with your family and show your maturity.
If your parents see that you have taken advantage of your time abroad to grow and advance, they will trust you as they consider that you are already an adult. Help in cleaning and tidying the houseas well as in the kitchen. Being responsible and maintaining a good relationship with your parents is important to make the return easier.
This advice is aimed at both young people who have studied or worked abroad, as well as older people adults sharing an apartment. Apply what you have learned with your roommates as well.
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4. Enjoy family and friends
It is true that time away from home surrounded by new people can be a intense experience from which it is difficult to detach oneselfHowever, at home your family and friends are waiting for you.
Coming back is not synonymous with boredom, quite the opposite. When you return you can take advantage of make all the plans you couldn't before. Hang out with your friends and enjoy the company of your family.
Furthermore, it's not just you who have changed during this time, the people around you have too. Everyone They have lived new experiences and they have grown as people just like you. You can rediscover them.
It's time to spend time with all of themYou have many things to tell them, just as they have many things to tell you, in this way you can enrich each other.
5. Lead an active life
The best way to get over returning home after a stay away is to keep active. Don't stay at home with a nostalgic attitude, constantly remembering your past life. You have enjoyed what you have experienced and it is time to add new anecdotes, no matter where.
You can meet up with your friends, catch up, sign up for fun activities, get involved in your work or studies, etc. There are many options to enjoy your return. Staying entertained will help you get through this adaptation stage. where you need to distract your mind. Later you will feel very comfortable at home.
If these tips are not useful to you during this period of rehabilitation, You can talk to a friend or family member and explain to them how you feel.. This will help you to externalize your emotions. In the event that the situation drags on for a long time and you do not find a solution to put an end to it, You can consult a professionalAt we can help you cope with returning home after a stay away.