How to get over a miscarriage

“How to get over an abortion” is one of the questions we encounter frequently in therapy at . It is a traumatic situation that can awaken a wide range of feelings, affecting both mental and physical health.

Negative emotions after abortion

We assume that every woman is free to make her own decisions and that only she can decide about her body and her life. Therefore, women can terminate their pregnancy if they wish to do so, a completely free and personal decision.

He abortion It can be a traumatic moment for some women who suffer from it, whether voluntary or not, the act of having an abortion can produce different feelings in a person that they are unable to control and that can appear suddenly.

When an abortion occurs, a feeling can invade you. feeling of sadness and you start to have Negative emotions like guiltyou think you have done something wrong and you feel bad, so you blame yourself for the decision or for what has happened even though you have no control over what just happened (miscarriage).

Even if the decision has been carefully thought out, negative emotions may still arise in you, such as: repentancewanting to go back and change what happened, or remorse. In any case, this fact can even affect you more, so that you have trouble sleeping, suffer nightmares, insomnia, it can create self-esteem problems, depression and, in extreme cases, suicidal thoughts. In the case of this last case, it will be important that you immediately go to a psychology professional so that you can work together.

Although There are different ways to go through an abortionevery woman is a world and every woman may have had different circumstances and, therefore, will experience it differently. However, it is a psychological process that they must go through and that will take them the time it takes to manage it. Some tips to be able to deal with it are:

How to get over an abortion: tips to accept and overcome it

1. Accept what happened

It may have been a decision you made after much thought and weighing up different options, but you may still experience negative feelings such as remorse. It is not something you can avoid, however you must be able to transcend this feeling, that is, get over it.

Consider that it was a well thought out decision, that you considered all the options, that it was the best decision for you at a time when you were not ready or did not consider it appropriate. You should not punish yourself for a decision you have made, you are free to decide what to do with your body and no one will question your decisions or judge you for them.

Accepting what just happened is the best option to deal with it.

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Overcome the experience of having an abortion and take care of your mental health with the professional help of a psychologist.

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2. Don't carry the blame

If the abortion was spontaneous, do not take the blame for what happened. There are situations in which we cannot do anything, and blaming ourselves only causes more emotional damage. Therefore, you must try to face, accept and overcome what has happened. Once you have successfully overcome this process, you may be able to try to have a baby again in the future, if you wish.

3. Lean on your loved ones

In situations like this, there can be many emotions, not always negative, you may also feel relief or both emotions may clash. Expressing your feelings is a good way to let off steam, your family and friends will always be there to listen to you and give you the support you need, especially in times when you are not having a good time; lean on them.

4. Go to therapy

Getting over an abortion is not easy and helping yourself in a online psychologist To face it and overcome it is the best option. A psychology professional has the necessary skills to help you and you can overcome the traumatic situation you are going through correctly and effectively through the methods they consider necessary.

An abortion can be a loss, and therefore, you may go through the grieving process that all loss entails. therapy on-line It will help you to work on it and be able to accept it and overcome it correctly so that it stops affecting your daily life. Managing emotions here will be very important, because many and very intense ones can appear, so you have to know how to identify them and manage them correctly.

Self-esteem issues resulting from an abortion can also be addressed in therapy, as well as confidence and the recovery of self-love and self-worth.

In Psychia We have a great team of psychologists who can help you, contact us and arrange a session for a online therapy. Our online therapy modality allows you to connect from anywhere, the first briefing is free.