How to forget an impossible love: 7 steps to achieve it – Online Psychologists

Suffer a impossible love It is one of the most frustrating sensations that a person can experience and many people wonder how to overcome it, because unfortunately love is not enough.

In addition, there are those who are in a loop of impossible relationshipsthe important thing in these cases is accept reality to be able to move on and forget that personBut why does this happen? It may be because that person is not really looking for a relationship a stable relationship but is hiding his fear of commitment.

In other cases we are attracted to what we consider «forbidden»for example, a person who has a partner. For many people, this impossible love becomes a challenge and even if the interest is reciprocal, interest is often lost.

Although the most common thing is that we obsess over an impossible love because we idealizeIn fact We do not fall in love with the person but with the image we have formed in our mind..

Why is it so difficult to forget an impossible love?

Sometimes, when a relationship ends, it is because a series of events have taken place that have led to the end of the relationship and have generated disillusionment in one or both of the parties involved.

But in impossible loves this does not happen, disappointment never comes and we remain hopeful. This is very dangerous, since living in the hope of a fictitious relationship and be in love with a person that we ourselves We have idealized It only produces us harm, dissatisfaction and frustration.

Reasons to forget it

Most of the time a person finds themselves in this situation She is not aware of the damage she is doing to herself and cannot find sufficient reasons to forget that impossible love.

But the truth is that there are a number of reasons for forgetting this type of love that only cause frustration.

Although the person who is in love feels that their happiness depends on the other person reciprocating their love, the truth is that this impossible love is responsible for their frustration and therefore, what prevents them from moving forward and being happy.

It is important to move aside in order to move forward.

  • Appreciate what you have, look around you

This type of falling in love involves a series of thoughts that only remind you of what you don't have and prevent you from enjoying your reality.

Instead of focusing on what you don't have because of that impossible love, look around you and you will discover that you are surrounded by people who love you and value you just the way you are.

  • You deserve to live a reciprocated love

You probably think that you can't live without that person and that they are everything to you, but the reality is that by forgetting that impossible love you will live happier and more fully.

Everyone deserves to live a love story and you are no exception. Even though you may now believe that this impossible love is everything to you, the reality is that you are immersed in a toxic circle from which you have to escape.

Let it go so you can move on and find a healthy and sincere love.

How to forget an impossible love

An impossible love can have negative effects on your mental health, as well as on your self-esteem and emotional well-being, so it is essential to distance yourself in order to move forward.

Tips to overcome an impossible love:

Make the decision

This can be very complicated, because people who suffer from an impossible love idealize it and therefore it is difficult for them to make the firm decision to forget it and move away from it.

Although it is complicated, it is fundamental. You must be realistic and think about your happiness, as well as your mental health. Reflect and realize that being in love with that person only brings you pain and suffering.

Accept it

Sometimes things are not as we would like them to be. And love is not always reciprocated. Although it is a harsh reality, it is essential that you understand and accept it in order to distance yourself from that love that makes you suffer.

It is important to stick to reality in order to experience real love and not be carried away by the idea we have created of that person in our own mind.

Acknowledge the negatives and walk away

Is It is common that in this type of situations we idealize people and we give them a series of characteristics that they do not really have.

We tend to believe that these people possess a series of virtues that make them more special than the rest, but in reality it is we who attribute those characteristics to them.

Delete links

After accepting that we must leave this impossible love behind, it is essential to cut ties, even if only for a while.

It is important that we remove these links to be able to heal and move forwardDon't call him, don't meet up, and ultimately, break any connection you have.

Listen to yourself

It is important that you listen to yourself and your thoughts to realize that this The pain you feel should not last long and that no crush should affect your mental health.

Also, you must realize that most often an impossible love is reinforced by the idealization that your mind has made and that all those wonderful characteristics that you associate with that person are not real.

Give yourself time to heal

Getting over a person is not easy, and it is even worse if it is an impossible love. It is not something you will achieve overnight, It will take time and willpower..

Little by little you will realize that you have achieved it and that love will become a memory that has helped you grow and learn.

Seek psychological help

Although it is possible to overcome an impossible love without having to resort to a professional, Going to therapy with an online psychologist is a good option for those people who have sunk because of that impossible love or who have experienced some kind of mental health problem as a result of it.

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