How to forget a person? Fade the memory of your ex!

When someone broke your heart, it’s because they made you very happy before and deep down you still love them, how to forget a person So…

After breaking up, we remember the things that we frequently did with our ex and we feel that we have not been able to forget him. Fortunately, there are effective techniques to get the memories of a previous relationship out of your head.

We tell you how to forget a person

The good thing about this technique is that it applies to courtships, marriages, lovers, swallows and even friends with rights and consists of only 8 steps. Follow them and forget it once and for all!

Avoid having him around

If you live near your ex and you have a high chance of running into him, do what is within your reach so you don’t have to see him even around the corners, even if you have to mess around.

Don’t wallow in your pain

Do not watch romantic or heartbreak movies, because without realizing it you will feel identified with the protagonist and it will be like throwing salt and lemon into the wound.

Don’t let thoughts about your ex creep into your mind. When you start thinking about that person who has caused you so much pain, do something: Read a book, chat with a sleepless friend or listen to Vibra.

Do not look at photos and videos where they are together

Hide or keep out of sight all photos, videos, letters, stuffed animals… anything that reminds you of your ex; if you can’t, give them to someone else to keep for you.

When you’re ready, break them or burn them in a ritual of oblivion. To avoid bumping into him on Face, hide it from social networksthat way you will stop receiving news from him for some time.

Clean your house of everything that reminds you

Get black garbage bags and pack everything that in one way or another brings back memories of that relationship. You can give away what is good and throw away what is no longer useful.

A nail does NOT drive out another nail

They say that the best way to forget an ex is to replace him, but beware, this is not so true, because unconsciously you are looking for him in someone else and in the end you will get hurt, because the new nail will only be embedded next to the other. First heal yourself before giving yourself a chance again.

Stop finding out for him

When you meet someone you know, try not to mention his name; if that person does, don’t start a conversation about it. Knowing how he is, who he’s dating or knowing that he doesn’t care about you only hurts you.

Stop going to the significant places

Restaurants, shopping malls, parks… The places where we share beautiful moments are loaded with memory and melancholy, so don’t go back to them, no apologies!

Do not search it

Repeat with me: Do not write to him on WhatsApp, do not call him, do not send him Messenger messages, rather, apply the law of zero contact. You will thank us.

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With information from: The viewer