How to face the duel in National Holidays?

These National Holidays They will have a different flavor due to all the limitations that exist to celebrate and the sad figures that the health crisis in Chile has caused: more than 440 thousand infected and more than 12,000 dead. Many families have suffered the loss of a loved one (breast, father, brother, son, grandfatheramong others) so they do not know very well how to deal with these dates that have historically been a reason for celebration for Chileans, which also coincide with the beginning of the best weather in our country due to the arrival of spring.

The psychologist at Unmemory Funeral Home Mourning Unit, Scarlett Isaacanalyzed this situation that people are experiencing and provides some recommendations to address this difficult time.

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“These are festive dates for the celebration of the National Holidays, however, for people who have lost a loved one during this pandemic, this period generates many emotional ambivalencessince on the one hand they feel a feeling of sorrow, sadness and guilt for that person who is no longer there, while on the other hand, they want to share with their families and celebrate during the 18”, emphasized the expert.

According to the professional there are people who feel such pain and guilt for that being who departed who thinks that happiness does not fit in them or they experience so much sadness that it does not allow them to be happy. On the other hand, they may feel guilty for having a good time with their familynevertheless, there is a person who is no longer with them.

“There may also be cases where many feel anger, they want to withdraw and prefer not to share socially during these celebrations, since they do not see the point in participating. The other thing that is generated is a kind of social demand to feel happy and joyful around these dates, however, many people continue to feel sorrow and anguish”, expressed the psychologist.

event planning

It’s important to talk like family what type of celebration will be held and who will participate (taking into account that there are limitations to congregate people). “It is crucial to know if one is going to share with people with whom one feels more in tune and emotionally comfortable or if the party is going to be very big and perhaps one feels better participating in some activities and at certain times and not during the whole day. It is important that these decisions are respected,” said the specialist.

communicate feelings

“It is key to be able to inform what the person is feeling, for example, if at any time you feel sad, angry or distressed, it is essential to tell someone and verbalized so that you understand the situation you are in and give you the necessary support and containment. Many will feel guilty celebrating when they no longer have a loved one by their side,” said Isamit.

Don’t judge yourself

“It is important that one tolerates oneself and not blame oneself for these feelings of sorrow and sadness, That is why it is necessary to understand oneself and be patient with oneself through this process that is being experienced.. On the other hand, it is important to always accept the support of others such as going for a walk, practicing a hobby or having fun and always being grateful for this help”, concluded the specialist.