How to eliminate bed bedbugs?

We know that Heat season brings pests like bed bugswhich live in furniture such as bed or sofa because, most are made of wood and cloth. These insects live in hot spaces or whose temperature is high. However, it is important not to panic and follow simple steps to eradicate them completely.

Fortunately, although they are part of a plague, they can easily be eradicated, but with a lot of patience. We have The best remedies to eliminate bed bugs, sofa Or any other place, and incidentally, any other uncomfortable insect that is around your furniture.

It is common for bedbugs to appear in furniture such as bed or sofa.Cottonbro Studio / Pexels.

But before, what are bed bugs?

These little brown bugs prone to reproduce in the heat season, feed on human blood and some small animals such as birds or rodents. Also known as «bed bugs», Bedbacks can chop in hands, arms, legs, feet and back, that is, in places of the body where more heat occurs. They cause itching, swelling and reddish ranch on the skin, but unlike other insects that are harmless to people, they are rather annoying and move in clothes and fabrics.

Cleaning and constantly aspiring spaces at home helps avoid bedbugs.Liliana Drew / Pexels.

What to do if there are bed bugs?

Although there are many home remedies, these are some of the measures that must be When finding bedbuildings in house furniture:

Confirm that they are bedbugs

Before taking some measure, It is important to confirm that it is a plague of bed bugs and not ticks, fleas or other insect, since each of these is treated differently. Consult with pests experts in the best option to identify what it is.

Maintain order and cleaning at home

Disorder is one of the factors for bed bugs or other types of pests appear, so it is better to clean all spaces at home, in addition to regularly washing and drying the sheets, mats, pillows and any bedding, as well as dirty clothing baskets.

Aspirate the furniture

A first step to eliminate bedbugs is to use the vacuum, passing it carefully through the carpet, the floor, the sofa and the bed. However, it is important to place the waste in a tightly closed bag and in a outdoor garbage can, to avoid extending to other spaces.

Buy bedding and suitable covers

There are materials that help the spread of pests such as bed bugs, So it is important to buy bedding that, in addition to resistant, be repellent to insects, to reduce the possibility of having this problem again in the future.

Ask for professionals

Despite having a cost, it is better consult professionals in pests To be able to eradicate them quickly and effectively, since they have the IPM system (integrated pest control), as well as with products suitable for killing these bugs.