How to do to remember dreams?

Dreams are a mystery. We spend a good part of our nights dreaming, and we don’t know why, or what we dream for. In our dreams, desires, emotions, fears are hidden that it is often difficult to admit as our own, and that, being rejected during wakefulness, visit us at night.

Dreams have occupied an important space throughout the history of Humanity. The first primitive peoples, granted them a power prophetic. the egyptians for example, they held that their origin was divine, and they were carriers of useful messages for waking life. Other cultures of the past believed that through dreams we come into contact with another world from which messages sent by the Divine are received.

In the Middle Ages Instead, the Council of Trent banned in the century 6th DC, all the beliefs related to the oneiric, judging them sinful. For several centuries, people were deprived of freely expressing their dreams, except those recounted by saints and martyrs.

Today, we know that human beings dream three to four times a night, it has also been proven that mammals and certain birds dream. Dreams almost never follow the laws of reason and logic, nor do they have morals. We see dead people as if they were still alive, we have sexual encounters with strangers, or celebrities, we talk to animals and other times we are presented with terrifying monsters.

Dreams, for many, have been premonitory, revealing, anticipatory, creative And till therapeutic. While we dream, the mind is freer and more creative, revelations are frequent.

Although there are many theories that explain why we dream, prominent researchers suggest that dreams serve different functions. Some warn and warn about certain events, while many others serve to help each person get to know each other better. Learning to remember and interpret our dreams is a very valuable tool to achieve personal goals.

To remember dreams:

* It is ideal keep a schedule regular sleep, try to always go to bed at the same time, do not wake up with alarms with music or loud sounds.

* Always have next to the bed a notebook intended for the recording of dreams and a ballpoint. Take note of all the dreams: the beautiful ones, the ugly ones, those that cause sadness or fear; It is important to write down the feelings that the dream suggests: fear, joy, love, curiosity, etc.

* write quickly the numbers, streets, names, or things that are mentioned in the dream, since they are forgotten very quickly.

Most dreams are forgotten within 10 minutes, so as soon as we wake up, we have to start writing. The moment of writing is for the purpose of remembering, if the dream has been well recorded in the notebook, the time has come for its analysis.

Like man, dreams have evolved, anciently, their purpose was to consult them as an oracle to know the future. Today its purpose is different, that of guiding our lives, finding solutions that we cannot see in a waking state, and achieving a fuller life.

Related note: Simple exercises to stop snoring, here.

Font: HuffPost Voices

Have you had a dream that has impacted you?