How to cut your own hair in «V»? Tutorial

We have all tried it at some point, if you want to know how to cut your own hair in a «v» without dying in the attempt, this note is for you.

There are times in life when for economic or public health reasons (such as quarantine by covid-19) we must stay at home and isolated from services that require contact, such as hairdressing.

We tell you how to make your hair stand out

That is why we show you some ways to keep your hair arranged yourself and without going out; eye, experience makes perfect, maybe the first time it won’t be perfect, that’s something that practice gives.

Before starting, you must be very clear about what you are going to do to your hair: if you are going to trim it, just cut your bangs or something else. We show you some alternatives.

How to cut your bangs yourself?

The first thing you need to do is decide if you want bangs or capul; the first is less abundant and is generally placed towards the sides of the face, while the second is much thicker and is left straighter.

take a strand

If you want bangs, take a strand, forming a small triangle on your forehead.

Increase the root

If you want to stay with capul, that triangle will be wider and will go to the crown.

Placing the cut well, one of the important steps of how to cut your hair yourself

The scissors must go perpendicular to the hair, that is, not horizontal but vertical; you must practice small cuts, with taking care not to cut too much.

And last step of how to cut your hair yourself: Profile

If you wish, you can leave the sides trimmed, to give your face a more casual look; in this case, you should follow the downward direction of the cheek towards the earlobe.

How to straighten your hair yourself?

This technique requires you to have a very good pulse, do you have it? One piece of advice, don’t cut it too much, like this you can try again if it doesn’t fit the first time.

The most sought after within the top of how to cut your hair yourself: Cut in «V»

This is the most complicated cut and requires a lot of care on your part. Cutting your hair yourself will always be a challenge, however we recommend you do it only if you already have some experiencesince this cut requires precision and a lot of courage.

Share it!

You can do it, you just need to follow the step by step of how to cut your hair yourself, depending on the cut you want to achieve. Do not forget to share this note, surely one of your friends will appreciate it!