How to create a strategic plan for Human Resources – Online Psychologists

It is no longer surprising to read that the Human Resources department is of vital importance for companies. After all, new hires depend on its members. It is also up to them to ensure that there are no conflicts, that the rest of the workers are properly trained, and that talent is valued and promoted. For all this to be possible, there must first be a Human Resources strategic plan.

What is the Human Resources strategic plan?

This is a report in which The company's actions in human resources are reflected for a certain period of time.

Although it may seem like a simple document, it is, in reality, a pillar on which the growth of a company is based.

After all, this is the document that sets out how personnel management should be carried out. And it is well known by everyone that there is no more important value for a company than the people who make it up.

What is it for?

The functions of the Human Resources strategic plan are:

  • Managing the company's human capitalso that the work performed by employees generates the maximum possible value.
  • Knowing the situation of the company. It answers questions such as: Is it fully digitalized? What working model does it follow?
  • Analyze and solve the company's needs Are workers properly trained? Is machinery working properly? Is there good communication?
  • Know the results obtained during the last period and decide, based on them, what the next steps will be. objectives to be achieved.
  • Capture the latest trends in human resources and decide whether to join them or not, based on the needs of the company.
  • Reflect on the actions that will allow employees to enjoy a good working environment, good communication and a good career plan that allows them to climb within the organization.

What should it contain?

Personnel management includes numerous tasks, and all of them must be reflected in the Human Resources strategic plan. We talk, for example, about what the human resources strategies are. staff selection. Also what is the recruitment policy.

Obviously, the following must also appear: training opportunities that the company offers its employees, as well as what the minimum wage is within the company. And, of course, what is the strategy to follow in the event of a labor dispute.

In addition, it must include a company performance analysisThis document will allow the human resources department to know:

  • If the company offers its employees the resources suitable.
  • He state of the work environment.
  • If employees have the training adequate to meet the demands of the company.
  • The leadership effectiveness within the company.
  • If they have taken place talent leaks.
  • The average duration of contracts in the company.
  • How long does it take to reach the set objectives?
  • That level of absenteeism there is.
  • That number of accidents labor that there have been.

Learn how to develop a strategic Human Resources plan

If you have been asked to prepare a strategic Human Resources plan and you don't know where to start, don't despair. You've come to the right place.

The steps to follow To prepare a document with these characteristics are:

  • Establish what the mission of the human resources plan is

In the business world, the term mission refers to a company's reason for being.

When we talk about the mission of a human resources plan, the definition is very similar. You have to reflect what the mission is. reason for the plan. Or, what is the same, what is intended to be achieved with its development.

  • Establish what the vision is

The vision is similar to the mission, but stated in the future tense.

Regarding the company, define what it wants to become. If we talk about a strategic HR plan, the vision refers to the long-term objective to be achieved.

For example, if the goal is to train employees, the vision could be to have a productive workforce full of talent that helps the company grow.

  • Establish what the values ​​are

Values ​​are the foundations that govern the behavior of the company. In the area of ​​Human Resources, values ​​must be aligned with the beginning of the company, but oriented towards the specific functions of the department.

  • Establish what the objectives of your plan are

You must be clear about what the short term goals of the plan. Both specific (for example, increasing staff by a certain percentage) and abstract (building employee loyalty).

And, in addition, you must be very clear about what long term goals the department is pursuing. That is, what goals are intended to be achieved within the next year.

  • Prepare a SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is a very common tool in the business field, which It allows us to know what the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities are of a company.

In a Human Resources strategic plan, the SWOT must analyze these same components, but applied to the department itself.

  • Make a selection plan

Once you have analyzed the most general points of the Human Resources strategic plan, you can go on to detail the guidelines that the department must follow in the different areas it deals with.

The staff selection plan includes the selection techniques which the company will use in its search for new employees. In addition, it will also study which positions need to be filled and what characteristics the selected candidates should have.

  • Develop a hiring plan

This section includes the different Contracts offered by the company to its employees and details their characteristics.

  • Develop a training plan

Here are all the training offered to workers: from basic training provided before entering into employment at the company, if any, to the training resources offered to those workers interested in increasing their knowledge and climbing the ranks within the company.

  • Develop a promotion plan

This section specifies the promotion possibilities which can be accessed by those workers who have demonstrated their loyalty and commitment over the years.

  • Develop a motivation plan

This is where one of the most important parts of the Human Resources strategic plan comes in. It is nothing more and nothing less than defining the actions that will be carried out to ensuring the well-being of workers in the company, as well as its permanence.

For this reason, this plan includes, for example, rewards or increases in both the remuneration and responsibilities of employees.

  • Develop a conflict resolution prevention plan

Another of the classic tasks attributed to the Human Resources department is conflict resolution.

In this part of the document you will have to specify what the action in case of conflicts among employees.

Remember that it is the HR department's job to ensure that all parts of a company feel comfortable within it.

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