How to contact your spirit guide

Sometimes in life we ​​feel lost or disoriented, but without knowing from where we notice a presence that helps us get ahead, to find the best path. We talk about beings of light, or a spiritual guide that allows us to advance in our journey through life.

Who are the beings of light? the spirit guides

Spiritual Guides are beings of light and love, spirits that have already incarnated on earth or in other dimensional worlds. Often, the human being gives them the name of guardian angel in Christianity, while in New Age religions the concept of beings of light is used more; some even say that it is an ancestor of ours who takes care of us.

For Native Americans or other ethnicities, the question of what are the beings of light is answered by the Spirits of Nature, or those that inhabit the elements, in each animal or living being. In popular folklore it has been interpreted that the beings of light on Earth are gnomes or elves. The beings of light that govern the Water are the Undines, the Fairies are those of the Spirit of the Air, the Salamamdra is the Spirit of Fire, and the Spirits that live in animals and plants or any other form of life are called the Great Souls, since in each animal, tree, fly, hides a shaman who has lived and conversed with the great spirits.

For Buddhists, beings of light are spirit guides who support the Buddha in your search for wisdom.


How to communicate with your being of light

When you want your Being of Light to communicate with you, first you should look for a good place, make an appointment with your own person, believe in yourself, because if you don’t, you won’t believe in your Being of Light either. If you are not used to listening to your conscience, you will never be able to contact the beings of light.

It is also necessary that you mark from the first moment the difference between your Being of Light and your Being of Darknessor what is the same, the good and the bad voice that guides us through life, when making decisions.

Consciously (although sometimes not) you know what’s good for you, your gut screams at you, but until now perhaps you have never wondered about that voice that arose within you. Those are the spiritual guides or beings of light, an essence that, if you listen to it, could change your destiny. It is the same entity that awakens in you irrational fear of going to certain places, or that awakens pain in your heart when someone has to leave.

So that, To contact your being of light follow these steps:

1) choose a quiet place May it be for you an enclave of security and serenity.

two) relax your bodyget rid of your negative emotions, calm all emotions, clear your thoughts and mind, be neutral.

3) Leave space for your soul and your inner peace, and call your Being of Light, no matter what name you give it. Earlier we explained that many consider their light being to be an ancestor, as there are people who are light beings (or human light beings). Perhaps one day he will reveal his name to you.

4) Imagine that can you feel or see the souls of everyone in your life.

5) Make an image of your Being of Light how you want it to be shown.

6) Call it, meditate, take the time to focus on yourself. Let him know that he is important to you, that you need his protection and spiritual guidance. In this sense, you can use spiritual practices of Asian origin such as reiki.

7) Whatever the result of this meditationthank you i’m there for you.

You must wait to repeat the experience, although with consistency you can demonstrate your receptivity and belief in the presence of beings of light and spirit guides. You should know that the Beings of Light are full of love and understanding and they never interfere with anything other than your own will (as well as his) and will come when he thinks you are fit to welcome him.

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The signs to know if the beings of light are trying to contact you

Sometimes your spirit guide, your being of light, whispers a word or invokes a thought or idea, but other times its presence is more difficult to notice. Pay attention to the things that are repeated and the synchronicities that you can witness. It is your guide who is desperately trying to contact you.

Beings of light can contact in many ways, although first you have to believe in them, and secondly, observe them. The incredible transformations of life occur when we learn to see and use the messages that the guides give us in everyday life:

  • through orbs. Surely you have ever taken a photo and orbs have appeared, sometimes colored spheres in the image, or in other shapes. They are messages from your spirit guides; they are close to you, to make sure you are not alone.
  • special scents. That come at strange times, a smell from childhood, or the scent of flowers while driving. Your spirit guide seduces you to attract your attention.
  • coins. How many times have you found a coin in an unusual place, taking a walk in a strange place, or even inside your house? The beings of light can leave these pieces to cheer you up, especially if it is a day when you are sad or depressed. You can also leave other items like white feathers.
  • The sight of a rainbow. Since the time of Noah, this phenomenon is a sign of love, care, support and protection from those above us.
  • Dreams. The spiritual world and the light beings like to use the dream state to transmit messages; in fact, it is one of their favorite tools, since they can create scenarios with unlimited colors and fantasies.
  • The contact. In moments of sadness or despair, beings of light will touch you lightly. You may even notice that they pull you in risky situations, or they will send a shiver down your spine.
  • Words. Light beings can use written material to convey a message (remember there are people who are light beings, or human light beings). Have you ever read a poem that made you cry? Words are powerful, they are the greatest source of communication. The same can be extended to music, which has the ability to quickly reach the heart: your spiritual guide will speak to you through songs from your past, or words that you have never heard before.