How to conquer a cold and indifferent man?

If you are an overly indulgent woman and you don’t know how to conquer a cold and indifferent manHere we give you some tips.

It is well known that chemistry and compatibility in love are very different. Although we want to think that we are all equal and act in the same way, we are not. Whether for cultural, hormonal or biological reasons, women and men have different ways of expressing what we feel.

Many men, for example, are cold not because they want to, but because they have a hard time showing their feelings and responding to physical affection. In fact, some of the signs that suffer the most in love of the entire zodiac They tend to have problems expressing what they think, which generates something to take when falling in love with a cold and calculating man.

How to conquer a serious and cold man

That a man is distant and like an ice floe does not necessarily mean that he does not love you; These types of people generally express their love in different ways, but they expect, appreciate and value the affection that is given to them.

How to conquer a cold and indifferent man? We share some tips to approach them without running away. Be careful, if you have cats, you will laugh and if not, you will learn a little about feline behavior, because for all intents and purposes it is the same.

1. Get into their world

Many people believe that there perfect couples according to the sign and that because of this, they have a high degree of connection. I can say that, indeed, the chances of fitting in better with certain types of men is better, but we must also say that they lose interest easily when they do not connect with what they are perceiving through their senses.

To start entering his world, talk to him about what he likes, ask him intelligent questions about it and let him tell you things that you may not be interested in at first.

They will then begin to build an intimacy together where you can approach him to share your physical affection, whether it be kisses, hugs or caresses of another kind.

2. Respect their space

Cold people generally have very strong personal boundaries and are often reserved with aspects of their lives that other people consider unimportant.

That is why it is important that you learn to recognize that thin yellow line, which you should not cross unless you want to offend him in an unforgivable way.

3. Let him get close to you

As with cats, you should leave nuggets of concentrate for him and then let your hand hang upside down nearby for him to get curious and sniff them. Now seriously, what you should do is something similar.

Once you become part of their daily landscape and they begin to create emotional bonds, mutual memories, inside jokes and such things, one day you will discover with surprise that it is he who comes to give you affection.

It’s likely to be a sudden, short-lived rush (or leading to sex), but it’s fine to start with. Once this happens, you have free rein to splurge on affection.

4. Take advantage of the “windows”

There are some moments when these types of people let their guard down and are supremely vulnerable like a couples massage; It depends on each character, but in general they tend to be at dawn, and, of course, when something has been drunk.

5. Do not pay him with the same coin

If you think that he will weaken his borders because you also treat him in a cold and distant way, you are wrong, that will not happen, on the contrary, he will have no problem closing himself more, until he becomes hermetic.

Never reject his physical affection, because for him it represents an enormous effort, since he does not like to feel vulnerable, so if you reject him, he will feel deeply hurt.

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