Quarters are known for their ability to amplify energy and intention. This means that they can intensify positive vibration and dissipate negative vibrations in their environment; They are also excellent to balance the energies at home. A negative energy -free environment can promote a better concentration and focus on your daily activities, not to mention that quartz are the easiest way to achieve it.
The benefits of each type depend on the origin of their resins.Denis Oliveira / Unspash.
He copal It is made of resins extracted from various trees in Latin America and has been used by indigenous cultures for centuries for ritual, healing and spiritual purposes. One of its most outstanding applications is its ability to clean bad energies and purify the environment, so it is an ideal element ideal for eliminate bad energies from the house.
In many traditions, copal is used as an offering to the gods and as a way of communicating with the divine. It is considered a bridge between the material world and the spiritual. The fragrance of the copal is associated with the elevation of energy and the promotion of serenity, so its use during yoga, meditation and introspection practices is common. It's a bit strong, so be sure to use it in large spaces.
The smell of lavender is very effective to scare away home mosquitoes.Larisa Birta / Unspash.
Flowers and plants
The flowers and plants not only add beauty and vitality to our spaces, but also have the power of Clean bad energies and promote harmony at home. Throughout history, diverse cultures have recognized the spiritual and purifying value of nature, flowers and plants have had spiritual meanings in many traditions.
In many cultures, flowers have been used as offerings to the gods in religious and spiritual rituals. They have also been placed on altars as a way of honoring the divine. Each type of flower or plant carries a unique symbolism. For example, the white lily symbolizes purity and peace, while the rosemary is associated with protection and cleaning. When you take them to your home, take care of what kind and what you are looking for to contribute to your space.