How to clean and bless an evil eye bracelet? Easy steps! – – Spirituality Blog

An evil eye bracelet is a powerful protective object that many people have come to value and venerate.

This bracelet has a long history and has been used for decades and centuries against dark and negative forces. In today’s world, many improvements have been made to the aesthetic feature of the bracelet.

This is why it is almost impossible to recognize an evil eye bracelet, if you are not familiar with one.

However, before you can harness the power of the evil eye bracelet you must cleanse it and bless it. It is believed that every time you wear your evil eye bracelet without cleaning and blessing it, you will not enjoy the power of the evil eye bracelet.

In addition to this, without cleaning the evil eye bracelet, you will be wearing a piece of jewelry, which has no protection.

Several people have contacted me regarding this. Many people are surprised to suffer attacks even when wearing the evil eye bracelet. After conducting investigations and further interrogations, I found that some people don’t bless their evil eye bracelet before wearing it.

Do I need to cleanse and bless my evil eye bracelet?

You have to clean and bless your evil eye bracelet. This is how you enjoy the power of the evil eye bracelet and use it to your advantage.

The evil eye bracelet offers protection against the evil eye, negative forces and spiritual attacks from evil spirits. Therefore, you should have plenty of this bracelet in your possession.

This is how to ensure its protection from damage.

Although, without blessing your bracelet, you will not enjoy the power that resides in the evil eye. This is why you should make sure the evil eye is clean and blessed before using it.

You might be asking the question:

Why do I need to cleanse and bless my evil eye bracelet?

Before answering this question, you need to understand that the evil eye bracelet was not made by witches or spiritual elders.

The evil eye bracelet It was manufactured by several fashion companies.

In ancient times, the evil eye bracelet was made of pure wood, with other metals of magic and sorcery.

However, as time passed and fashion began to take the stage, several companies, organizations and brands believed that the evil eye image was a fashion accessory.

Therefore, they began to make several of them. That is why you can find the evil eye bracelet in many supermarkets and not in sanctuaries. The evil eye bracelet can be worn as a piece of jewelry without any magical quality.

That is why cleansing and blessing it is very vital.

When you cleanse and bless your evil eye bracelet, you will invoke the protective power of the evil eye and it will begin to work for you. In the realm of spiritual forces, your intention and state of mind determine what energy you attract.

Therefore, if your mind believes in the evil eye bracelet as an object of protection, This is what you will enjoy.

I remember a friend of mine who bought an evil eye bracelet at a mall and continued to wear it as a piece of jewelry until I caught his attention.

After cleaning and blessing the evil eye bracelet, within a few hours, the evil eye bracelet broke. You see it? Various negative energies surround him, but the evil eye bracelet never resisted them because it did not bless him.

You need to bless and cleanse your evil eye bracelet to harness its power for your protection and safety.

When should I cleanse and bless my bracelet?

There is no specific time in the day to cleanse and bless your evil eye bracelet.

I cleanse and bless my evil eye bracelet every morning. This may be surprising to you because of the word every but this is what I do. I have spoken to several people who do not perform a daily cleansing and blessing ritual for their evil eye bracelets and still enjoy protection.

However, I think that Daily cleaning and blessing your evil eye bracelet produces enormous results.

Follow these guidelines:

  • There is no special time of day to clean your evil eye bracelet. You can do it in the morning, afternoon, evening or midnight.
  • Choose the time of day when your mind is calm. You need to have a calm mind to cleanse and bless your evil eye bracelet.
  • Make sure the time of day you choose is convenient for all of your 7 chakras to function. That’s why I choose the early hours of the morning. This is the only time I haven’t talked to anyone, and it’s the best time when my mind is calm and free of noise.
  • When you want to cleanse and bless your bracelet, you should also observe the spiritual signs. For example, seeing a feather in the afternoon may be an indication that you should cleanse and bless your evil eye bracelet because your angel is nearby.

Therefore, as long as you feel comfortable and calm enough to properly channel your energy for the cleansing and blessing process, it is the right time to cleanse and bless your evil eye bracelet. Make sure you stick to what is best for you.

Several people have tried to clean their evil eye bracelets at inopportune times, and failed.

Therefore, you need to make sure the best time for you is when you do this.

If you feel that the morning hours are convenient for you, then you should perform the cleansing and blessing ritual in the morning, and vice versa.

How to clean an evil eye bracelet?

You will achieve cleaning your evil eye bracelet by following these steps:

  1. You have to choose the time of day that is calm, serene and convenient for your energy to be channeled powerfully.
  2. Set your intention on the evil eye bracelet and what you want it to do for you. You can create a vision of yourself surrounded by impenetrable white light.
  3. Take an anointing oil and pour some into your left palm.
  4. Hold the oil for a few seconds and inhale and exhale to absorb the energy of the oil.
  5. Hold the evil eye bracelet in your right hand and allow its energy to fill you.
  6. Rub the evil eye bracelet with the oil and express your intention.
  7. Perform this ritual 7 times.

Another way to clean your evil eye bracelet is by doing the following:

  • Light a black and white candle. Both colors symbolize angelic presence and strong protective energy.
  • Allow the smoke from both candles to fill your room and absorb the energy of the smoke.
  • You can burn incense in addition to this, but it is not recommended due to the density of the smoke and its effect on your health.
  • Keep the evil eye on the candle smoke and express your intentions.
  • Repeat the process continues until you feel like stopping.

These procedures will help you effectively clean your evil eye bracelet.

How to bless an evil eye bracelet?

Blessing an evil eye bracelet doesn’t take long. It doesn’t require much effort. Follow these steps to bless your evil eye bracelet.

  • First of all, you must understand that the evil eye bracelet must be cleaned before being blessed. Therefore, if you have not done the evil eye bracelet cleaning process, do it right now. See the steps above to clean your evil eye bracelet. Once you have done this successfully, you can bless your evil eye bracelet.
  • Before blessing your evil eye bracelet, make sure there are no negative charges from you. This is very important. For the evil eye bracelet to be functional, you must check it within yourself. If negativity is not in your soul, then it will not be difficult to protect yourself from external negative forces.
    Therefore, you must cleanse your soul of all negative force and energy. Thoughts of fear, anxiety, hatred, depression, etc. They must be expelled from your soul.
  • this is not mandatory, but you can also clean your environment. Smearing sage or simply burning a cinnamon stick will work effectively.
  • Hold your evil eye in your right hand, and feel the energy. Let yourself be immersed in the power of the evil eye.
  • Create an intention in your heart. – see yourself surrounded by white light.
  • Express those intentionsand repeat the words seven times.

Another way to bless your evil eye bracelet is to pray over it. By saying the protection prayer, you will activate the power of the evil eye bracelet for yourself.

5 benefits of keeping your evil eye bracelet clean and blessed

When your evil eye bracelet is clean and blessed, there are 5 benefits. This is why I encourage people to perform blessing and cleansing rituals as much as possible.

It doesn’t take 10 minutes of your daily time to do this, but the advantage is huge and beyond your comprehension.

1) Protection

This is the main benefit of keeping your evil eye bracelet clean and blessed. When your evil eye bracelet is clean, you will enjoy protection from the evil eye of people.

The evil eye of jealous people can put a burden on your shoulder, leading to depression and all forms of negativity.

However, with a blessed and clean evil eye bracelet, you don’t have to worry about this anymore. The power of the evil eye bracelet will begin to work for your protection against the evil eye.

2) Your evil eye bracelet will work perfectly

Cleaning your evil eye bracelet with oil helps it work properly. The energy of the evil eye bracelet could be corrupted due to several touches from people with bad energy.

This will cause the bracelet to not function properly if you activate the power through blessing without cleaning it.

Cleansing the evil eye bracelet removes all negative energy from the bracelet and helps it protect you effectively with its positive and strong defensive energy.

3) The evil eye bracelet will bring good luck to your life.

Evil Eye Bracelet Blessing will attract good luck to your life. The words you said over the evil eye bracelet when you were blessing it will create an atmosphere that will attract good luck into your life.

Therefore, if you want to enjoy good fortune, one of the ways to do so is by wearing a blessed evil eye bracelet.

To make this work faster, always personally bless your evil eye bracelet before wearing it.

With this, your intention will be perfectly represented and good fortune will come to your life faster.

4) You will enjoy positive energy

If you have been troubled in your mind, The evil eye bracelet is the best way to remove those problems.

When you cleanse and bless your evil eye bracelet, your mind will be at peace every time you wear it.

Cleansing and blessing your evil eye bracelet will charge the bracelet to function properly, and this will bring positive energy to your soul. It also helps your chakra function effectively.

5) You will sleep perfectly

If you have trouble sleeping, the evil eye bracelet will help you. By cleansing and blessing the evil eye bracelet, you will be able to sleep soundly and without nightmares.

Last words

The evil eye bracelet will protect you from harm when you clean and bless it. Therefore, with the information of…