The evil eye is one of the cruelest methods of retaliation. The evil eye can not only be devastating to the victim, but it is also a «stealth» weapon, as the perpetrator can remain hidden and unknown, even the affected person may be the victim of an evil eye and they will not have how to realize, unless you believe in spells and that there are evil forces that are used for evil.
It is a common belief in many cultures and religions. It is a powerful force that is real, and if not contained it can destroy a life. It is written that Socrates had the evil eye and that his disciples were hypnotized and somewhat afraid of the dazzling eyes of the great philosopher. the evil eye it could turn your luck from good to bad in a matter of seconds. It could undermine your most important relationships, ruin your credit, destroy your career, and completely destroy your confidence.
How can I put the evil eye on another person?
Sit in front of a mirror and relax. Look up for about 1-2 minutes, this helps to enter the alpha state. Deepen your trance as deep as you can. Second. focus on your own eyes in the mirror. Start projecting your energy through your eyes. When training, don’t focus on any negative energy on yourself for obvious reasons!
You must begin to feel your own energy, as reflected in the mirror. Do this every day and your energy will become stronger. When you feel a lot of power and are confident enough, you can try this with other people. Animals are also very susceptible. You will be able to stop an attack dog in its tracks.
By hypnotizing someone, command this person, in your mind, to do what you want them to do, experience, etc. The same goes for curses that need to be delivered with maximum hate and intensity. Commands must be a short phrase. Animals communicate through mental images. I looked deep into his eyes, almost passing them to the back of his skull, directly projecting his energy into his brain to do his bidding. Focus intensely.
This is a very advanced skill. You can also practice with a close or trusted friend, as long as you keep the energy positive. Negative energy will cause damage, so don’t play around with this. This skill requires many years of practice to become an adept where you look, in just a few seconds you will put others under your control.
Keep in mind that this practice is very powerful and dangerous at the same time, the story tells that the evil eye dates back to at least 3000 BC and are mentioned in Sumerian, Babylonian, and Assyrian cuneiform texts. These ancient towns of Mexico and Central America They feared the power of the evil eye, just like the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, who were very afraid of it because of the damage it could do.