How to build a greenhouse at home It is a question that we often ask ourselves. Learning to build a greenhouse – a wonder for the garden of the house – is no longer just a thing of the local horticulture society. A simple DIY greenhouse can nourish flowers out of season, keep inside the interior plants throughout the winter and grow plants in a region with a natural climate that, otherwise, would be too cold.
What today seems like a usual structure in the rear courtyards is first related to the Roman emperor Tiberio in the year 30 AD, which, according to him, had to eat a cucumber a day to keep the disease away. Their gardeners built a palace of the cucumber with stone walls and glass roof to be able to collect the harvest. The least powerful Romans resorted to greenhouses called Speculariumswhich consisted of pots covered with a transparent mineral called Mica.
Towards 1663, Louis XIV made Build an orange greenhouse In the Palace of Versailles to house citrus fruits from Italy, Spain and Portugal. Over time, the two -sided gallery – protected from the weather by stone walls and double -oriented windows to the south – came to have about 165 meters long, with vaulted ceilings almost 13 meters high.
Today you can see incredible crystal greenhouses worldwide, and even a kinetic greenhouse that unfolds in four minutes. However, most house greenhouses remain humble and practical structures that allow gardeners to start their crops. Do you want something exotic like oranges in Cincinnati? It is possible if you know How to build a greenhouse at home.
Amanda Amstutz, public programming supervisor of the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory of Fort Wayne (Indiana), affirms: «The house gardener can get ahead of his seedbeds and transplant and harden his plants»; With a greenhouse, you can start sowing your seedlings in trays in February and, in April, having well -formed plants to plant them on the ground. So, whether you want to grow the occasional palm and feed your family with fresh vegetable How to build a greenhouseeven if you are not of royalty.
How to choose the best greenhouse?
There are greenhouses in all shapes, sizes and materials, and have an equally diverse capacity to fulfill different functions. The first thing you should consider before knowing How to build a greenhouse It is whether it is a temporary structure or something lasting. The Garden greenhouses easier to mount are Kits of temporary greenhouse. They are usually coated with flexible plastic and use light metal structures, explains Steven Engel, regional account director of Panamerican Seed in Chicago. «On the other hand, for permanent garden greenhouses,» he says, «I prefer to use double wall polycarbonate panels. Double wall polycarbonate retains heat better.»