How to break up with your partner without hurting him/her – Online Psychologists

When both components of a couple realize that the relationship is broken and worn outthe breakup is less difficult. But if it turns out that only one of the two has decided not to continue, the breakup becomes more complicated. Abandon that partner who has loved you and who may still love you It is a personal challenge.

There are many reasons why a relationship ends and the reasons why some relationships last longer when that person is already aware that it is not working are usually related to the Lack of confidence, courage or not wanting to hurt that personThese relationships become a comfort zone, which only serves to cause harm to us and to the other person. Therefore, the healthiest thing to do is to arm ourselves with courage and be as honest as possible with the other person and with ourselves.

Because am unable to break with my partner

Saying goodbye to a person with whom you have spent great moments is not an easy step to take. There are a number of reasons that prevent us from doing so, the reason why we are not able to end our romantic relationship.

– Things may not be so bad and it is believed that love can return and that everything will continue as before. And that doesn't happen, the feelings don't come back and we only get unhappiness and hurt. Love is something that needs to be worked on and relationships need to be built. If that's not the case, the desire and the relationship from the beginning don't magically come back. Do you have the strength to keep fighting or are you already imagining yourself alone in the future?

– If we don't break up with that person, we won't hurt them or ourselves. The fear of facing pain prevents us from making decisions that will ultimately be beneficial. Leaving our comfort zone terrifies us, but putting off the decision doesn't bring good feelings either: discomfort, distance, inability to continue moving forward in our lives… is that what you want?

Being alone is one of the biggest fears. Not living day to day with someone makes us feel vulnerable.

Emotional dependenceEven if they are toxic, we need them, their attention, their care, etc. The fear of losing them is greater than the concern for the harm they know they are causing.

Causes that determine that I should break up with my partner

There are signs that things are not going well in your relationship. Some of them you may recognize, but there are others that you may not have noticed and that may make you think about whether you should break up with your partner.

– I don’t want my relationship to be like that.

– The relationship doesn’t bring me anything.

– You feel like you're the only one who cares about the relationship.

– You think it’s not worth fighting for.

– You don’t feel reciprocated.

– You have fallen in love with someone else.

– Routine suffocates you and does not satisfy you either personally or as a couple.

Even if you try to fool yourself into thinking that you're okay this way, you probably won't succeed.

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How to finish a romantic relationship

If we already know that the best thing for us and for the other person is to end it, what we should do now is to hurt their feelings as little as possible by doing something breakup as little traumatic as possibleTo do this, you have to be brave and responsible for your actions.

The first thing is Find a time to talk to your partner and communicate directly and respectfully explaining what you feel and the reasons for leaving the relationship with a soft and empathetic language.

Also, you must to be thankful for what was sharedeverything that the relationship has given you, what you have learned, etc.

Avoid reproaches because it will cause unnecessary arguments and pain. Finally, forgive your partner for the harm you may have caused each other in the past and you will feel better about yourself and continue moving forward from inner peace.

Now you will have to decide whether to put distance between you, especially at the beginning of the breakup, or not.

What to do after cut with the couple

You may feel happy to have left an unsatisfying relationship, but if there was love and connection, the pain will set in. Now begins the stage of mourning, typical of any romantic breakup. When you are able to get over it, you will recognize the time spent with her and keep it as a great memory. And as a result, you will open yourself up to new experiences.

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