How to attract customers with sugar (and coffee, ritual cinnamon)

How to attract customers with sugar During the month we have received several questions such as the following: Could you post some sugar rituals to attract customers? How do you prepare coffee and sugar to attract customers? How to attract customers with sugar? Is it true that cinnamon and sugar are used to attract customers? How is sugar made to attract customers? I would like to know how to attract customers with sugar?

Today we gather these questions about sugar to attract customers and we are going to give their corresponding answers:


General features

There are natural elements (such as plants, flowers, honey, sugar, etc.) that can be used to attract the positive, since they have beneficial energy power.

If you have a business or company and would like to attract more customers to it, we will teach you how to attract positive energies that help your business prosper with sugar.



How to attract customers with sugar with coffee Before beginning this ritual, one must prepare mentally and spiritually. Fill your interior with love, faith and positive vibrations.

These feelings will be key to achieving your goal, so focus and start the ritual after preparing your interior.

You will need the following ingredients:

The sugar;
powdered coffee
Clay or iron container;

Now that you have all the ingredients, we can proceed to the preparation of this charm!

The first step is to mix the sugar, coffee and cinnamon and make a homogeneous mixture. Next, light the charcoal and wait for it to burn and reach the point of ember.
When the Coal has reached this point, place it in the container of your choice (clay or iron);
Slowly pour sugar-coffee-cinnamon mixture over charcoal;
Tour your establishment or company with this container.

Be very careful not to burn yourself during the process. Let the steam from the combustion spread throughout the room. This mixture together with charcoal works as a natural incense.

As you walk, say an Our Father, a Hail Mary and ask for the protection of San expeditothe saint of urgent causes Soon your company will attract many customers.


How to attract customers with sugar and cinnamon It is recommended to do this ritual on Monday, in order to start a new business week with good energy and the ritual will last the whole week.

You will only need two elements: sugar and cinnamon powder.

Take a handful of sugar with a handful of cinnamon powder and mix these two elements in a container of your choice;
Throw this mixture in every corner of your company, establishment or business;
It doesn’t have to be in large amounts, it can be a small amount that will already have an effect;
It is also recommended to use a bit of birdseed at the entrance of your company or business.
Just as birdseed attracts birds, the idea is to attract new customers.

It is a simple ritual, but it can certainly bring good results and new clients for your business. Remember to do the ritual with positive thoughts and faith.


How to attract customers with sugar and rice This ritual to increase urgent sales and attract customers is still little known because it was made public just a few weeks ago, however it already has some testimonials from some small entrepreneurs.

It is quite simple to do this ritual to improve your business, it uses only the sugar and other ingredients that you probably have in your house.

You will only need:

250 grams of White rice;
1 teaspoon of sugar
10 tablespoons of cinnamon powder;
1 pot.

It must be used at least 2 times a week to have the desired effect and you should put it on Monday and Thursday.

Mix all the ingredients in the pot and then place the pot in a hidden place in your business. It can be in a drawer, on a shelf or something similar It should not be too conspicuous so that customers do not see it.

This ritual should be used as a complement to the others detailed here, so that we make our chances of increasing our sales and income even greater.


How to attract customers with sugar and birdseed Birdseed is often seen as a simple plant that is used to feed birds, but what few people know is that it is one of the most powerful plants that we can use in the esoteric and mystical world.

It is a plant used in the medicinal world as an anti-inflammatory, but it has other uses, such as performing a ritual to attract customers with sugar and birdseed.

To make this amulet you will need:

Cinnamon powder;
1 boat;
White sugar.

Pour 10 tablespoons of white sugar, 10 tablespoons of cinnamon powder and 10 tablespoons of canary seed into the jar.

Close the pot and shake very well until everything is mixed and that’s it, you have your magical mixture of birdseed ready to go!

Now you will have to enter your company or business and spread this mixture near the doors and windows, it can be a small amount, especially if it is a business with customers always coming and going since they cannot notice the mixture of birdseed that you put on the ground.

Pour this mixture every Monday, so that it lasts the whole week. If you want, you can do the canary seed ritual in double, so you don’t have to do it every time you want to use it.


How to attract customers with sugar (spray and desmoke) This is a great way to attract customers and improve your sales and attract more customers to your business.

Before performing the ritual, you should do a general cleaning and, in that sense, remove from the environment everything that is broken or accumulates unnecessarily

Take a spray bottle and put some water and a tablespoon of lavender in it. Mix well and spray this liquid in the corners of your home and business.

This process must be carried out before desmoking.

Next, you will separate the ingredients for the smoke:

1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder;
1 spoon of sugar
A lump of coal;
1 coffee spoon.

If the environment your company is in is large, you can double the number of ingredients. Place the charcoal in a burner and light it.

Follow the step-by-step instructions to make the smoke:

In a pot of your choice, mix the sugar with the coffee and the cinnamon powder;
After mixing well, pour this mixture over the charcoal with a high ember;
You will notice smoke coming out of the burner, so start smoking your business from the outside in;
Mentalize the good things: new clients, prosperity and success.

Take this homemade smoker around the area, and surely very soon the energy of the business will change and you will have new and prosperous customers.


How to attract customers with sugar and coarse salt There is a very effective ritual to attract customers to your store or company. In general, it consists of using coarse salt, within a very interesting logic.

This type of ritual is usually very positive to attract more and more customers, making the scenario for your company more positive.

You will need the following ingredients:

coarse salt;
a pinch of sugar
A magnet
A dish
a blank paper
Seven bay leaves.

In general, it is usually very easy to assemble these elements to perform your ritual.

Just pay attention to the paper, which should not have anything written on it; that is, it must be blank, without lines or columns. In addition, the bay leaves must be strong, with a beautiful appearance. Do not use old blades, which show that they no longer have as much strength.

Step by Step:

Place the magnet right in the center of the saucer, and on the paper put what you want most: in this case, more customers;
Next, place the coarse salt on the saucer, so that the entire length of the dish is covered with salt.
This is an important step and should not be done in any way, as there is a risk that the ritual will not work as it should;
Place the bay leaves on the side of the plate, forming a circle;
Make sure there are no empty spaces between the bay leaves. This is also a fundamental step in the ritual process.

Leave this dish at the door of the store or business, very close to the entrance. Keep the amulet there for a total of nine days and say a special prayer each day. After this time, throw it away.


How to attract customers with sugar, rosemary and basil Last but not least, we also reveal a great bathroom that will draw more customers to your business. It’s a bath you should take every Sunday until your sales start to pick up.

You will need the following ingredients:

2 liters of water;
3 tablespoons of coarse salt;
1 Branch of dried or green rosemary;
3 tablespoons of cinnamon or sugar
A bunch of Basil leaves.

All you have to do is boil all the ingredients in 2 liters of water for 10 minutes. Next, turn off the boil, strain everything and use the water to bathe.

You must follow the step by step that we have below:

Take a bath as usual and then pour the mixture from the shoulders down while thinking positive thoughts;
Let your body dry naturally; It is a very simple recipe, but it is worth making it. In addition, you can and should use this bath together with some of the rituals exposed here. So, take advantage of its powers!


Questions and answers

Can I perform all the rituals in this article? We see no problem in performing all the rituals in this article, however we recommend that you take it easy and try only 1 at a time.

Therefore, he only moves on to the next one about 3 days after doing one of them. We say this because they are all for the same purpose and it is not convenient to do 7 rituals for the same purpose in a row.


Will I really get good results?

We really believe that you will get good results with the rituals presented here, however you must have faith. A ritual to call urgent clients must be done with a lot of faith in the heart for it to work.

Therefore, the first step is that you create. From there, the charm does the rest of the work.


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