How to ask the pendulum about love?

How to ask the pendulum about love?

If you are interested how to ask the pendulum about love, We help you so that you can call those ancestral forces, which already used this method centuries ago, so that you make mistakes in the formulation of your questions. It is not really a complicated exercise, but it does require certain specifications so that you can get a satisfactory answer, even if it turns out to be negative for your expectations in love.

Why choose the pendulum instead of other procedures?

The pendulum is a easy to get item. Through it, many generations of the past have tried to resolve existential doubts and even the course of wars, many of them not as old as one thinks.

Everything that has to do with love has always been in the concern of the human being. After all, love is what moves humanity, makes us better people and manages to perpetuate our species. For most religions, love is synonymous with salvation, so we expect anxious responses whenever it passes by our side or we think we have it close.

The use of the pendulum, although great magicians in history have resorted to it, it has helped people like you to clarify many doubts regarding their lives. Although he can answer us past, present and future questions, he does not have the ability to go beyond a yes or no answer.

For many this is enough. In a yes or a no, an entire love event can be resolved, even if we are left with the question of why or how. The affirmation builds marriages although, depending on how the question is formulated, it can also dissolve couples. Therefore, one of the requirements is to know how to ask the pendulum about love.

First of all, get rid of all fear and be aware that your question may not be understood. When this happens, the circular oscillation that should happen does not happen. Therefore, so that you do not have any doubts, we will mark the steps you need to achieve a response from the pendulum.

Step by step to ask the pendulum about love

The first thing you have to do, once you have acquired a pendulum, is to prevent anyone other than you from touching it. Through him you will project your energy, just as the seer projects his gift in his tarot cards. Remember that you can always fall back on the vision of this tarot expert to know more about love. Do not doubt the security, as well as the confidentiality that this telephone contact gives you, in addition to taking care of your economy.

Once you have concentrated your whole being on the pendulum, putting your faith that, through it, the wise forces of the universe will speak, you will need a white piece of paper and a pen.

The second step is to write the name of those involved on the paper, preferably the full name with their last names. You will fold the paper in half and place it on a table, which will serve to help you.

Then, and after much thought about what you want to know, you must expose your question out loud. To do this, find a place where you are alone, without anything bothering you, and concentrate. At the moment of saying your question you must be thinking about that person who has stolen your heart.

Ask direct questions, whose only possible answer is an affirmation or, in your case, a denial. You should also be prepared for unfavorable outcomes. It is possible that you obtain a negative resolution, but calm, because you can always resort to the excellent attention of a seer, an expert in tarot, who will provide you with more information, even about what you have asked in the pendulum.

We recommend that you do not repeat the same question over and over again, looking for the favorable answer. This can mislead the universe, which can send you opposite answers, making you understand the communication problem between the two.

If you want to ask the same question, wait at least several weeks. Keep in mind that there cannot be an instant change of circumstances and that everything around you needs time to recharge with that energy that you project.

now that you know how to ask the pendulum about love, the next thing is that you have patience and that you also give that person the time he needs, so that he notices you or decides favorably. Remember that you can always resort to other magical methods to make him see that you are there and that your heart is his.

Love moves us all, so if your intentions are sincere, you just have to wait for the universe to do its job. It may or may not be the love of your life. If it’s not your soulmate, maybe it comes from your own karma. What will the pendulum tell you?