How to accurately identify a violinist spider

Life occurs in any place where it finds the essential conditions to survive, which is why despite the human settlement in large cities, there is fauna that can infiltrate homes. Normally this does not represent a danger, although you have to be alert for any fortuitous situation as it is in the case of spiders. You have to be well informed about poisonous species, especially what the violinist spider is like and how to identify it in order to know what to do.

It is known as ‘the corner spider’, ‘Chilean recluse’ or violinist spider for its violin-shaped marking present on its cephalothorax (head and body). It belongs to the loxosceles family, which is a family with more than 140 species around the world. Only in Mexico there are 40 types of violinist spiders, although they are extremely similar to each other and can be accurately identified.

Where does he live?

It lives mainly in countries of South and Central America, countries like Chile, Argentina, Peru and Mexico have great varieties of violinist spider species. Specifically in Mexico they extend through the areas of Bajío, Sonora, Chihuahua, Morelos and the Valley of Mexico.

They tend to hide in damp places that have remained unchanged for a long time, such as in cracks and corners, as well as sheds, attics, cellars and other almost always dark places where there is not much movement. Although they also live outdoors where they can stay between stacked wood or behind objects that have not moved for a long time.

According to experts from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), these spiders come to urban areas where they find the ideal conditions to survive. This is so since the forgotten corners in the cities provide them with the ideal temperature, as well as the necessary humidity and access to food prepared by humans.

How to identify a violinist spider?

When looking at arachnids in our homes, the first thing we ask ourselves is what the violinist spider is like, since the effect of its venom is potentially fatal. It can be identified by its violin-shaped marking that extends from its body towards its head. Although not all species present this mark in a very well defined way. It measures between 8 and 30 millimeters, that is to say that its size can vary, which is not especially large compared to that of other spiders such as tarantulas.

Image: UNAM

It is brown or gray in color, although this will depend on its habitat and the adaptation of the species. Like all arachnids, the violista spider has 8 legs, which, in accordance with its size, are rather thick. Unlike other spiders, and a characteristic that allows it to be identified, is that it only has three pairs of eyes that give a total of 6. Spiders normally have four pairs, that is, they have eight eyes.

What to do to avoid them?

The best way to avoid the establishment of arachnids at home is definitely cleaning. Try to keep all the corners of the house well rubbed down to avoid dusty, humid and dark formations that serve as a home for violinist spiders. In the same way, during the rainy season it will be crucial to check shoes and clothes that have been stored for a long time before being used.

It should be noted that the violinist spider is a nocturnal animal and is not aggressive, it only attacks when it feels threatened. Most unfortunate encounters happen accidentally when they come across skin rubbing. For this reason, direct contact with damp and dark corners where there has been no movement recently must be avoided.

What to do in case of a bite?

In the event of a bite, there is no other option than to see a doctor immediately. Although during the transfer it is best to keep the wound well washed to avoid any type of infection. This implies not touching or scratching under any circumstances. It should only be touched to apply ice packs directly to the area, as it will help slow down the reaction speed of the poison.

The doctor will decide what to do in the event of a violinist spider bite, as well as the appropriate prescription of medications that can range from antihistamines, serums or anti-inflammatories, depending on the case.

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