Player salaries at Axion Energy can range from $106,462 to $116,114. This estimate is based on the 1 Axion Energy Energy Player salary reports provided by Used or estimated based on statistical methods. View each Player salary to see how they stack up in the market.
Service station workers will receive a new salary increase that will raise the base salary of the field to 90,000 pesos in the month of February.
It is based on the agreement signed by the Union of Workers of Service Stations, CNG, Garages, Parking Lots and Laundries (SOESGyPE) led by Carlos Acuña.
The union would admit a bonus, but for parity
As among the secretaries in general of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), he clarified that the workers’ union «does not promote the amount set as non-opposed if the government did so in this way.» For his part, he asserted: “We do not reject it as long as it does not affect the parities or limit them and stressed that the unions show discussions and debates in the distributive bidding, but“ the power belongs to the businessmen ”.
Acuña is a leader very close to Sergio Massa and was among the first to applaud his arrival at the Ministry of Economy: «He managed to normalize the economy and get out of the devaluation spiral, which is throwing a huge number of people into poverty», but He accepted that «we are in a bad way,» more than anything because «inflation is not going down.»
Chefs hired exclusively to carry out these tasks, and any other domestic task that requires particular aptitude of the staff.
Time: $647.50
Chefs hired exclusively to carry out these tasks, and any other domestic task that requires particular suitability of the staff to carry it out.
Hour: $698.50