How much does an 8 de coca cost | 👁

Afterwards, an eighth of an ounce of cocaine will cost between $150 (low quality) and $250 (very excellent quality).

In the question and answer programs many spectacular and even disturbing questions are suggested, but one carried out in Atrápame se podes of Galician television irritated multiple tweeters.

«What is the average value of a gram of cocaine on the street?» the presenter asked the participants, who appeared somewhat surprised.

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Legalization would reduce the profits of criminal gangs.

In recent decades, criminal gangs in Latin America have diversified their businesses. At the moment they not only traffic narcotics from South America to the USA, as Pablo Escobar, Colombia’s much better known drug gangster, achieved in the 1970s and 1980s. production of synthetic opioids (notably fentanyl), such as extortion of those who work in perfectly legal markets, such as the cultivation of avocado and lemon.

Even so, pharmaceuticals remain an integral part of their business model. In 2020, for example, global cocaine production reached a record 1,982 tons, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), although this amount is likely an underestimate. North America is still the largest customer of the substance, with about 2% of people aged 15 to 64 (or 6 thousand individuals) using it that year. But the global arrival of cocaine is spreading. Guinea-Bissau became an essential route for the transport of cocaine from South America to Europe. A rennet attempt earlier this year in which gunmen attacked the presidential palace was blamed on drug gangs. A large part of Europe’s cocaine is imported through Rotterdam, the Netherlands, which has caused an increase in gang cruelty in that region. The head of a Dutch police union has warned that the country risks becoming a «narco-state».

How much is an 8 in grams of cocaine?

To clarify, an “eight ball” is equivalent to a 3.5 gram bag of cocaine… Spanish translation: eight ball – 1/8 of an ounce.

How much is 1 gram of cocaine worth?

Cocaine use and its price by country.

The results of the 2016 World Drug Survey have just been released. And only in Spain now it has had much more than 2,500 competitors. The study sheds light on cocaine use. This is still the preferred inducer among those who have money to pay for it. As is known, in contrast to alcohol consumption, the economic situation of the person is an essential aspect in entering cocaine.

Spain appears as the third country where cocaine consumption is much cheaper, with an average price of €50 per gram, exactly the same amount paid in other European countries such as Portugal, the Netherlands or Belgium, and just above Colombia. (€4) and Brazil (€6). At the other extreme are the countries with much higher average costs: New Zealand or Australia, with average costs of €251 and €273, respectively.