How much does a Dealer earn? The national average salary of a Reseller is MXN$8,258 in Mexico.
Winning in the drug business is as easy or difficult as the level you want to play. «How to make money selling drugs» is an orientation guide that is being screened these days at the Tromso Film Festival in Norway. Director Matthew Cooke plunges you right into the story and shows you certain guys who know what they’re doing and have as many scars as tattoos. Within minutes you start to think that 50 Cent is a nice guy. But at least it is expected and without excessive excuses, the report raises fundamental questions about the real benefits of maintaining a widespread and expensive war on drugs. You were born in the wrong neighborhood or family, society is not ready to suggest a purpose in life, so you decide to grow marijuana at home. With water, electricity and a decent lamp you can live on $3,000 a week. In order to continue in the game you will need to understand the board on which you move, understand that as a pawn it is not convenient for you to irritate the pieces of a higher category, surround yourself with people who take care of you and be really, very imaginative to hide drugs, flee from a police raid or reduce the inescapable sentences. Cooke exhibits practical examples of all of the above. Firstly, he approaches the subject with a certain irony, resorting to the visual language of a platform game with its different levels of annoyance. In this way, he teaches how the business works, how and for what reason one begins to trade in marijuana, who turns to cocaine, to be a local seller or to become the general manager of an import and export company (this is, a drug dealer all over the world). It is not by chance that virtually everyone who witnesses tends to be tragic. People who are bombastic in their talk and exaggerated movements, but who know and give their opinion about the business through the authority that being lawyers, police officers, drug dealers, rappers or simply Susan Sarandon, who never needed permission to comment on anything, gives them. While the film is not a mere argument for the legalization of drugs, he argues that individual independence can be less damaging to the collective. What did prohibition in the 1920s accomplish other than producing cruelty on the streets and making people like Al Capone rich? It is among the many issues in a report that focuses on a political system that spends far more money creating jails than academies and refuses to publicize its successful crackdown on a legal substance like tobacco. Being a politician and dedicating millionaire capitals to reduce the mafias that were produced around prohibitionism is very common among voters, and it works really well as a smoke screen or throwing weapon against the opposing lobbies (“Marijuana transports homosexuality and HIV ”, recalls the film that was shot in the 80s of the Ronald Reagan government»). But it is the police who must deal with these gangs, even if they make mistakes or end up breaking the law. Much more than a guide, «How to make money selling drugs» is a compendium of uncomfortable truths told with a built-up sense of fun.