Pets cost money, that’s clear. But How much does a Border Collie actually cost?
In this article we explain to you all costs and priceswho with the Buying or adopting a Border Collie accompanied.
You will be amazed which considerable sum spend dog owners on their favorite four-legged friends and which buffer you should definitely plan for!
Nice that you’re here! This article can be very helpful for you if you have never had a dog of your own!
Border Collie Price: Acquisition costs & initial equipment
The acquisition costs and prices for the Border Collie initial equipment vary, depending on how much luxury you want it to be.
The fact is that on the purchase price or the protection feethat you pay for your Border Collie, nor a few coins on top come!
To give you a small overview of the costs involved in getting a dog, we have listed all the costs individually for you below.
Price for Border Collie puppies from the breeder
A border collie puppy from a responsible breeder usually costs between €800 and €1500.
Keep in mind that reputable breeders face costs before the puppies are even born. For example, to ensure the health of the parent animals and to check carefully whether they are suitable for breeding.
The puppies usually live in their nursery for 8 – 12 weeks after birth and devour a lot of money in the process.
Nevertheless, the breeding of dogs should never take place out of greed for profit! Dog-loving breeders usually don’t charge more for their puppies than they cost them. They breed for the joy and love of the dog, not to earn money with it!
You have to decide for yourself what price you think is fair. If a Border Collie puppy is being traded too cheaply, it is better to keep your hands off it, as this can be an indication of breeders. When it comes to buying or adopting a living being, you should look very carefully and listen to your gut feeling!
Border collie adoption
If you have one Adopt a border collie you only pay for one protection fee to the animal shelter or animal welfare organization that adopts your dog.
By the way, we think it’s great if you decide to adopt. There are many dogs that are waiting at the shelter for a second chance or have never had one.
Border Collie Initial Equipment & One-time Costs Table
What costs do dog owners have to expect for the initial equipment in any case?
Dog food40 – 80 €Dog bed30 – 150 €Toys5 – 25 €Transport boxapprox. 130 €Water bowl / feeding bowl 20 – 40 €Dog brushapprox. 5 €Dog shampooapprox. 5 €collar / harness / leash20 – 60 €vaccination50 – 70 €castration200 – 600 €microchip30 – 50 €
How much does a border collie cost? Acquisition costs & initial equipment in total
€1,335 – €2,715
You can already see that it is a large price range deals with the acquisition costs and initial equipment for your Border Collie and it is just as individual.
It is important that you do not calculate too tightly and really consider whether you can afford these and also the running costs for a Border Collie.
How much does a Border Collie cost per month?
€100 – €250 per month
Your Border Collie will cost you around €100 – €250 per month. It is an illusion to believe that there is no more room for improvement.
Of course she plays health of your dog plays a major role in terms of cost, and unfortunately this point is difficult to predict.
Dog Food
40 – 80 € per month
Depending on the type (wet food, dry food, barf, etc.), quantity and quality, dog food and treats cost you between €40 and €80 per month.
It is best to buy high-quality food right from the start so that your dog stays healthy and energetic. Inferior food can make your dog sick and quickly add up to vet bills!
Healthcare & Vet Visits
€10 – €50 per month
Annual vaccinations, medication, tick repellent, visits to the vet, etc. – This quickly gets expensive, which is why it is best to create your own savings account for your dog.
€5 – €20 per month
Your Border Collie doesn’t need a groomer, but you do need claw and coat care.
A brush or fur glove, shampoo, towels, claw clippers and the like also need to be paid for (although not every month).
dog tax
€5 – €15 per month
The dog tax varies from community to community. Your border collie is taxed as a “normal dog”.
The dog tax for listed dogs is significantly higher than for your two-tone herding dog.
€2 – €25 per month
Every dog owner should have one Dog Liability Insurance conclude. In some states this is even mandatory.
Additional insurances like a Surgical and health insurance up to your free decision.
Dog School & Training
€70 – €300 per month
The Dog school and training costs also vary greatly.
Depending on what level you are as a dog owner and what difficulties you have with your Border Collie.
There are now quite cheap online dog schools. However, on-site training can easily cost €70 – €100 per hour.
In addition to the acquisition costs of approx. €1,335 – €2,715, there are monthly running costs for your border collie.
These amount to approx €100-250depending on which food you choose, whether your dog needs medication, is prone to illnesses and injuries, or has an allergy.
Please make yourself very aware of these costs before you get a dog!
Can we answer any questions you have about prices and costs for a Border Collie? Then leave us a comment under this post. Thank you for reading and until the next article!