How many types of elves are there | 👁

There are multiple types: goggles, dwarves, busgosos, trentis, nuberos, ventolins, thunderers and anjanas, among many others.

Goblins, those mythological beings that belong to multiple ethnic groups, are loved by some and hated by others. Just as there are people who adore and are fascinated by these little creatures, there are also people who worry about the possibility of elves existing everywhere.

Apart from the opinions and tricks of each one of them, the truth is that throughout history these individuals have achieved enormous popularity and knew how to fit into categories that allow us to get to know them better.

Names of the elves and their concept

To understand the concept of a leprechaun, it is necessary to understand what has always been related to protecting the home, but anyway

Goblins are beings that correspond to the mythology of nature and there are countless in the forest.

What to do when you have a leprechaun in your house?

Dig them up and take them home, keep them in a safe space (for example, a shoe box. At that moment the leprechaun is with you, call him and he will be there. Yes, it is good to be kind at all times and do not behave in a way harsh or scary

  1. Try on an earring. They comment that gold coins are excellent bait for goblins.
  2. Put the box in a corner and wait for the goblin to fall into the trap. Use the trap at the right time.
  3. Look for secluded spots in the garden

How to scare and hurt them

  • The tricks and their curious origins
      • The 30 best mystical books for spiritual people

      ) You are a leprechaun

      As now mentioned, the goblins are hundreds and hundreds of years old, the aspect is that they sprang up orally from tales and stories. It is for this reason that a precise date is not known to calculate the beginning of these beings in European civilization, nor with their peculiarities. Some historians claim that the leprechaun is a mixture of Celtic creatures, such as the Irish leprechaun and the Scottish brownie, with others such as the kobold, from Germanic folklore; others, however, insist that it derives exclusively from the Celts, and that it was then adopted by the Anglo-Saxons.

      There are multiple genres of goblins, though they all dole out some specifics, such as: a ludicrous, monstrous facade, short stature, a mischievous or downright evil attitude, greed for gold and gems, certain magical powers, a penchant for running at dwellings of the multitude and coming from the much more hidden places of the jungle; Just as there are capable and wise, we can also find them brutal and bestial.