A gram of cocaine is worth 15 lines.
In the question and answer programs many spectacular and even disturbing questions are suggested, but one carried out in Atrápame se podes of Galician television irritated multiple tweeters.
«What is the average value of a gram of cocaine on the street?» the presenter asked the participants, who appeared somewhat surprised.
Components to consider
The proportion of cocaine that an individual can consume changes depending on different situations, such as their weight. One must keep in mind that there is no safe use of this drug and that even much smaller administration may now be considered excessive. This is because cocaine is a very harmful substance and the many side effects of cocaine can be really intense.
Common cocaine users tend to consume between 0.50 grams and 1 gram per shot, with serious health risks in the form of heart problems and toxic psychoses that appear when the person continuously ingests these small amounts. .
Duration of cocaine in the body
At the time it is consumed, cocaine easily crosses tissues, including the blood-brain barrier, affecting and rapidly distributing throughout the body. To understand how long the effect of cocaine lasts, it must be taken into account that the absorption and duration of its effects is dependent on its route of administration and can last for days in the body.
Other components, such as body chemistry, metabolism, body fat, or level of habituation to the substance, have the potential to change how long cocaine remains in the body. No matter how long it takes, the same effects of euphoria, blockage, and then the need to consume more will always kick in.
Cocaine use and its price by country.
The results of the 2016 World Drug Survey have just been released. And only in Spain now it has had much more than 2,500 competitors. The study sheds light on cocaine use. This is still the preferred inducer among those who have money to pay for it. As is known, in contrast to alcohol consumption, the economic situation of the person is an essential aspect in entering cocaine.
Spain appears as the third country where cocaine consumption is much cheaper, with an average price of €50 per gram, exactly the same amount paid in other European countries such as Portugal, the Netherlands or Belgium, and just above Colombia. (€4) and Brazil (€6). At the other extreme are the countries with much higher average costs: New Zealand or Australia, with average costs of €251 and €273, respectively.
Cocaine dose and symptoms
The dose of cocaine establishes the instant of detection of the substance and also the symptoms the day after coca consumption. It is necessary to emphasize that any kind of contact with cocaine supposes a «cocaine intoxication». If the consumption is generated in enormous proportions (even occasionally), it can offer place to an overdose of cocaine. Acute toxicity related to cocaine overdose can cause life-threatening events including shock, cardiovascular failure, or respiratory depression. In other words, it is much more possible in the case of chronic consumption or at the moment in which there is dependence on cocaine.
Therefore, the dose and, by extension, the time of withdrawal of cocaine from the body, have the possibility of knowing the symptoms a day after coca consumption. The joyous effects of taking small doses of cocaine are partially brief (precisely 20 to 45 minutes). The main symptom a day after consuming coke in small doses can be some depression, lack of energy or apathy.